Runny poop in turkey, cause for concern??


Jun 26, 2023
My Turkey named Dandelion (pretty sure they are male) has most of his body feathers in and has had runny poop ever since I got him (about 2 weeks??) he eats and drinks very well and I don’t think it’s anything detrimental since it hasn’t spread to our other Turkey but do you guys have any suggestion, I don’t have any pictures yet but I’ll try to get one next time he poops, I use electrolytes and probiotics in their water but should I swap it for something else to get him back to having better poop? Like I said he seems really healthy but ofc I’m not an expert, any help is wanted and appreciate.
I am unsure what might be causing the issue, but I know when I give my chickens too many mealworms my chickens will have runny poop so I back off and they improve. Sorry I couldn't really help.
The thing is, I haven’t fed them really any treats, they got Watermelon once and that was it, plus the poop was like this even before giving them watermelon so I don’t think it’s a problem treat wise, but thank you for commenting :))

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