Ruthie the ...... rooster???

We bought Ruthie as an 11 week old pull it. Sweet sweet sweet chicken who was rejected by our current small flock and accepted by the ducks. Then the baby ducks hatched and when they were big enough to go outside Ruthie became a jerk to the baby ducks -being the typical bully picking on someone smaller after being bullied. ( Like literally my rooster and “twin” Wyandottes tried to kill her)

Well the older Ruthie gets the more pronounced her comb is and I’m beginning to wonder… Is she not a she after all? What do you think? I know she’s got it either lay an egg or a crow but do y’all have hens with combs like this?
Yep. You got a rooster. Sorry 😞!
I saw the first pic and thought rooster, then the full body pic and I cannot see male saddles. Has it got Leghorn in it? Something has to explain that huge comb.

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