Salted duck eggs??

Pics are you supposed to wash your eggs that you’re selling...warm water? That’s what I’ve been doing because it gets the junk off..but..I only lightly clean the,because I was told, my my mother in law...old farming family..that unwashed eggs actually helps keep the nutrients in....
Also. I think I might already have buyer for the duck eggs! I just went to y feed store and my guy that works there...good friend now..told me a guy is looking for them. Ryan already had told another guy he’d buy his duck eggs for the buyer...but that guy can’t get enough together fast enough...I only need one more dozen to fill this first order...fingers crossed that I beat the other guy! Is that terrible for me to say? Now I feel bad...:(
Maybe i'm too stupid to understand this:
So to make salted duck egg, you dip a raw, uncooked egg in cooking wine, roll it in salt, place it with its siblings into an airtight container and let it sit for 2-3 weeks.
How does the wine and the salt change the content of an egg through the shell?
As i wrote in another thread, most of my duck's eggs are little marble balls that you could use (raw or cooked) to bust any type of household windows. They last forever, we are still eating the duck's eggs from October last year… So i don't see how that little salt could do something to change the inside of an egg.
Those BBQ eggs i saw in that YT video (that i'm still searching) were cooked, peeled and then put into the smoker for 10 minutes. I see how that can deposit some flavor.
No, the duck eggs are boiled in the salt water, after sitting in the sun for a few hours. After being boiled, they go in the fridge for 30 days. The main thing is the yolk..apparently it tastes like chestnut and is a big draw in Chinese restaurants....who knows? I might not have time to try it if my eggs are already selling....but...$22 for 6 is really tempting...but you have to buy special ingredients, etc....
It seems there are a lot of different recipes for salted duck eggs! I was referring to that video:
Where the raw eggs are treated with cooking wine and salt and after 3-4 weeks are being boiled.
Need to talk to the people in the Asian market where they sell my duck's eggs…
It seems there are a lot of different recipes for salted duck eggs! I was referring to that video:
Where the raw eggs are treated with cooking wine and salt and after 3-4 weeks are being boiled.
Need to talk to the people in the Asian market where they sell my duck's eggs…
Holy smokes!! That’s soooo much easier than the recipe I thought I was going to use!! You’re a genius!! (Ok, don’t let that go to your head...). Talk to your friend, because my recipe said there are two types sold out there and one is not as good...but...I’m not sure that AMERICANS would know I allowed to say that? I just mean...what it said, was that in Asia...people know when it’s the good egg or the cheap egg...kind of like we know if it’s a good chicken wing or not? So.. I would rather do the easy recipe is all I’m saying..after putting my foot in my mouth..ugh
Holy smokes!! That’s soooo much easier than the recipe I thought I was going to use!! You’re a genius!! (Ok, don’t let that go to your head...). Talk to your friend, because my recipe said there are two types sold out there and one is not as good...but...I’m not sure that AMERICANS would know I allowed to say that? I just mean...what it said, was that in Asia...people know when it’s the good egg or the cheap egg...kind of like we know if it’s a good chicken wing or not? So.. I would rather do the easy recipe is all I’m saying..after putting my foot in my mouth..ugh
I'm not a genius! I don't want to be one! The difference between genius and madman is way to small for my comfort! - And i didn't make that video, i just found it with a little help from my friend Google, the (evil?) genius… :lau
I have some late November eggs, i may try that recipe with those first. Make 2 dozen and try them after 1,2,3,4 weeks. But i will talk to the Chinese family first. - Make me think about that family owned Chinese restaurant down in the village, they might be interested in salted duck eggs too…
If all that works out, i urgently need some more ducks to ramp up production…

In regards of the taste buds of American people: It is really hard for anyone to judge the taste of any kind of food you try first. I love Indian cuisine and i was all in for the Chicken Tikka masala, but with growing experience i discovered that there is good, bad and excellent tasting CTM. Same with Thai food! You just have to go out there and try. What was that fat guy saying in TV: If it looks good, eat it!
Hey guys! So I haven't tried salted eggs as yet. But my partner is big on salting EVERYTHING and has requested I make a meringue so he can salt the remaining yolks. It was the first I heard of curing eggs and I thought he was mad. Apparently not. He's onto something .
Meringue! YUMMY!!!
Please tell us how it works out with those yolks. :bow
Salted Egg yolk update: I gave my husband one yolk to play with. He put a heap of salt in the bottom of the jar, poured the yolk in the centre and buried it with more salt, put lid on and put it in back of fridge. He said in a week he removes it from salt, wraps it in a muslin cloth and hangs in a cool spot for afew weeks. So its completely different to what you guys are talking about, but I'm still interested to see how this works out for you guys :pop

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