San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

On another note, is anybody interested in a kitten? I have two that are looking for homes. We rescued their mom off the street, and she was already pregnant.

I believe they are both female kittens, tabby colored with white paws. One is tail-less (Manx) like thier mom, the other has a full tail. PM me if you are interested.
It's an excellent deal on the panels. Normally you'd get a rickety 6 footer for that price. I just haven't figured out exactly what I'm doing so I don't want to purchase a bunch of stuff that I may not end up using. I like the panels because they're not permanent...easy up, easy down.

Does anyone know where to buy non medicated chick starter in Ramona? I checked Kahoots, Big "D" and Catt Ranch & Supply.

The panels might be good for constructing the turkey coop? Fitted together like the dog runs?
victory for Santee! Some residential areas of Santee did not allow chickens... they do now! Maybe they will set a good example for other cities to consider the same ideas and realize keeping chickens as pets is not really different than being alowed your dogs and cats... well, aside from the fact chickens are cleaner and quieter!!!
It's an excellent deal on the panels. Normally you'd get a rickety 6 footer for that price. I just haven't figured out exactly what I'm doing so I don't want to purchase a bunch of stuff that I may not end up using. I like the panels because they're not permanent...easy up, easy down.

Does anyone know where to buy non medicated chick starter in Ramona? I checked Kahoots, Big "D" and Catt Ranch & Supply.

The panels might be good for constructing the turkey coop? Fitted together like the dog runs?

If those panels were closer or if I had the manpower to move them, I would be all over it. I like the idea that they are not permanent and you would probably only need to buy metal connectors to put them together. Don't like the location or moving, they can go with you. If you put the poles in the ground w/ cement then it will not be so easy plus you will need to buy the metal poles to go vertical and horizontal.

During my move, I did not realize I had 2 broodies until it was too late. One hatched 17. YES! 17
The other was a EE I got from Ideal in January and she hatched her own eggs and only 2 hatched. The mama w/ 17 has been the BEST mama. The EE has been quite the opposite. I vote her for the worst. Today I go and check up on the babies and one is not looking so good so I warm the chick up and give it some food and water. It would take the water but not the food. I had to leave and came home and it had expired.
I am so mad at her. I had let her and the other chick out into the main coop. I went to check on her and she was hanging out on the roost. Baby was wandering around. OMG! I took the baby in the house and will take care of it myself.

Just had to vent.

Can't you sneak the little chick under the good mama at night? I've never done that but I don't think she'd notice if she had 17 or 18, I certainly wouldn't if it were me!! LOL

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