Scarlet fever anyone???

Welsummer when I went the first time and she gave me keflex, I asked when I would feel better and she said within 48 hours. The throat did go away but the rash just got better it never went away. I thought about going back, but didn't lesson learned there.

It took about 6 doses of the keflex to get the rash to look like it does now on just 3 of the augmentin. But my throat still hurts a lot. I just looked in the mirror and the rash is significantly less inflamed and angry then it was. Also less itching and I don;t see it spreading anywhere new.

I do think my doc is/does do a pretty good job and diganosing.

Several years ago I had my first ever kidney stone, but didn't know thats what it was as it didn't present in typical I am going to die I am in so much pain.

It presented as a HELL of a back ache/fever of 102 inability to pee, and not being able to stand up without wanting to pass out or throw up. Yet I didn't think kidney stone. Because of my lack of peeing I thought MAYBE a UTI/kidney infectionas I HAD that before, so went for a pee test. Came back neg for UTI but had a lot of blood in it.

She goes over my history deeply , touches on the tubal ligation (to rule out tubal pregnancy) then sends me on to hospitial as she thinks it COULD be appendicitis. At hospital they do an mri and a cat scan. THEY find the stones and report back to her. I thought she was pretty anylytical on ruling things in and out.

So I have confidence in her ability.

I guess I don't ever have to know what THIS is IF it goes away and doesn't come back. If it recurrs then I will be much more antsy.
I would think your throat would be awfully sore for a while. Even if you kill tbe bacteria, now it's going to have to heal, that takes time for that kind of tissue because we're constantly breathing, talking, swallowing. I would expect that to take longer.

So I'm still thinkin' all is getting better.
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Thank you well summer, It is better if I breathe thru my nose. Just ate Chix noodle soup as it is about all I can stand. The warmth was nice. Also 2 advil makes the throat bearable.

Will you be interested in test results on monday since you think I will be neg for the SF titer? I am interested to hear what grew out of the throat culture.
oh NO!!!!

I thought you already got your scarlet fever culture back and it was negative. I based a number of my comments on that assumption.

I may be more senile than I thought.
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No the quick strep test came back negative.

On monday they will get the results back from the long strep test, the throat culture, and a complete blood panel including a scarlet fever titer , as well as other stuff (they took 4 vials).
Yes my daughters doctors said the scarlett fever was what triggered the fibro. I guess people are pre-wired with it. And it takes a illness or accident to trigger it. My daughter was never well after she got Scarlett fever. She had nothing but health issues after. It took many years before they finally figured out what she had. But all doctor agree any illness like that can trigger it.
I know for me I caught fifth disease. Normally kids get it, but I got it as a adult. Oh my gosh it was awful.
I just remember how high her fever would go , it was so scary. I think adults don't get it because the doctor at the time said it was specific age groups. But I do not remember.
OK so I didn't misunderstand as bad as I thought.

I am still not thinking scarlet fever because it went on so long, but I know the length of it can vary. Yes I will be very curious to see how your other tests come back, I always learn something new - if I pay attention, LOL.
Fifth disease! THAT'S the one I was trying to remember! Thanks MrsSmith. And sorry about your daughter.

BKruegar - have you tried a saltwater gargle for your throat? Or one of those sprays? Chloraseptic is good.
sounds like the damage caused by- whatever wil have to heal on its own and you will remain uncomfortable between now and then.

Doctor Tip: Ask these questions, always...

"When should I come back?
Should I expect it to get worse before it gets better?
What would be the symptoms that would require a hospital visit or return visit?
When will I be comfortable?
What can I do to get comfortable faster?
Will this be recurrent?
How contagious am I now?"

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