
Funny thing at lockup tonight.....
I took my little candling flashlight with me. I have a Silver Laced Wyandotte sitting on 4 Icelandic eggs, and I thought I should check them - to see if they are viable. Ummm, yes - they were.
I saw 3 chicks (almost dry, a bit damp), and one egg (I candled it and it is viable).
Funny thing at lockup tonight.....
I took my little candling flashlight with me. I have a Silver Laced Wyandotte sitting on 4 Icelandic eggs, and I thought I should check them - to see if they are viable. Ummm, yes - they were.
I saw 3 chicks (almost dry, a bit damp), and one egg (I candled it and it is viable).

Well you're a busy woman I can see. Don't you write down when things get started? I don't. I do run a line around the eggs so I can take out any newbies though.
Your very funny. I noticed I HAD given the BR hen two eggs last night, this am. I had forgotten. Like most everything.
I've two SLW's in with Mr. Nasty, but no roo to go with them.

I noticed the egg that had been under my BM hen is gone. I don't know where it went. I suspect she ate it, in light of the fact that the three chicks hatched by the Sussex hen have taken up residence under her when their mum left to eat. Am I a bad person for not being disappointed? There are plenty of chicks so one less is no problem.

I'm trying not to hatch but they won't listen to me.

Fall is here and school starts this week. I've bought four new aprons at William Sonoma. One, Spiderman, Ironman, Hulk and Captain America. I may be old , but I'm still up for some fun once in a while. Actually they were on sale and cheap, but WS has heavy aprons.

I always say women are their own worst enemies in that I rarely see Aprons designed for men. They're usually flowery or pink. If you want your man to put one on, at least make it manly. I did have DW make some with animal prints and camouflage.

Cyn - do you have any table runners in fall colors?
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Well gang I finally got a minute to really check in. As you may or may not know my Mom had a minor stroke on Friday morning. She had been sick since Tuesday with what we thought was Inner Ear. Which at this point were not sure on that. The stroke has affected her right side. She has numbness in her limbs. I don't have that big of a support system when it comes to her care so i've been travelling back and forth taking care of my animals and staying with her at the hospital. We have had some Miracles in the past couple of days. She had little to no movement in her arm to she can now raise it above her head. Her leg and foot has made great strides. All are still weak but the docs are excited that she has come back as much as she has. Were looking into a facility for re-hab to help her some more. We are truly blessed that it wasnt as bad as it could of been, and she has started to bounce back so quick. We still have a journey but are off to a good start. During all this i've had a lung infection on the edge of pneumonia but am feeling pretty good. I kinda just let LH keep the info coming because we just had alot going on.

Mom and I would like to thank y'all for your prayers it means alot to us.

Now Mom wants me to share pics of my new babies. They were hatching while shes been in the hospital. 4 Chocolates and One Lav cross. The Lav Cross is quite red,lol.

Braclin, sorry about your mom. It hurts to see them get old. I took my mom for an appointment last week, she's been going to this doc for 6 years. We get to the street and she can't remember where the building is. We looked and looked. Finally I drove down a street where I thought it could be, and there it was.

Kathy, your SLW looks like she's all business. What an expression! You're using a Sony, right?

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