
Well, what kids don't know won't hurt them. I don't know that i would tell the kids that the dogs killed the bird. If Splat is good with them but "Plays" a little hard, I would try to make it work.......Frankie would have done the same thing at 9 months old. He has grown out of it. Your Splat is close to the same age as my Molly......she would play with a chicken to death if the situation was right. She is too young to control all the urges just yet. The longer that Splat has successful interactions with the birds, the better chance you have of them continuing.
Oh, Frog's still alive!!!
Infact, she just ate some crumbles and yogurt and drank some more water and clucked

Splat knows she's done wrong... when she came in, she ran right to the bedroom and fell asleep. I'm gonna try and work this out, and hope n pray the shock collars work.
Nicole the one I posted and purchased is pricey but it works. It has 127 levels of correction plus different settings...nick which is a quick zap, continous which nicks them repeatedly every so many seconds until they respond and you stop it and a pager that is a vibration signal.

Casca would walk out the door calm as you please...sniff around, pee and take off....would not respond to you. He will still do it if his collar needs charging. But I tell him "Casca Come" if he ignores me I nick him on about 55 to get through all his hair...if he still ignores me I repeat "Casca Come" and nick him at 60 and etc etc...that taught him very quickly that when I say "Casca Come" you best get your butt moving my way. He went chasing something one day (A 4 wheeler first one he'd ever seen)....I called him and nothing and he was on a dead all out run. I nicked him on the 100 setting and flipped him. When I nickd him he turned to see what bit himm and flipped. But his butt came home immediately.

When you first start using they act like big babies and yelp sometimes even jumping and is only from the indignity of it all and the fact they cannot get away from it. When we first got it, I would not put it on Casca until I knew what it felt I strapped the fully charged collar around my thigh and nicked myself at 80, 100 and finally 127. Let me tell you...127 made my leg jump up off the chair. It is not painful but when you place it properly on the neck just off center about 1/2 way to the side of the nicks the nerves and that is what gets heir attention. But it does not "hurt" per se.

Sorry I babbled but I am really happy with this product and the company. The man who invented this collar is an ex green beret like my husband and I support our troops as much as possible.

Nighty Night to be up at 6 am to go with scbatz33 to the Paris Poultry Swap. So time for zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

YAY Frog!!!!
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Nicole, I really hope those shock collars work - dogs are good and useful things to have on a farm, if you can get them to protect EVERYTHING you have - and I am SO glad Frog is eating and chirping! This is great news!!!!

I am off to the show at Morganton- it's going to be the biggest one they have had, close to 1,000 birds, so am putting some Delaware Club info on the registry table. Kathy, yes I saw the banner - isn't it cool?

Nella, I didn't confess, because I thought it was ME, but if someone as bright as Cetawin couldn't open the zip files, then I feel fine confessing that I couldn't either, and if you would pretty please send them to me one by one also, I will be SO grateful. I have a wall on my barn that I want to convert to brooders, as DH is getting a bit crabby about chicks on the porch. For some silly reason he thinks company would not like to share dinner with sweet little chickie babies.
Gotta straighten that man out!

Cetawin - 6 to countdown!!!!!!!

Cynthia, I hope the rest of the eggs are good 'uns- and I would still bring you Del or Orp eggs any time you want any- unless of course, we are in the middle of a blizzard!
I've been just lurking for quite a while as I have been just too busy to spend much time on the net. My DH got us a lovely herd of goats which I just love and 2 Livestock guardian puppies to protect all of our animals. I will say that there have been no more possums and coons lurking about. The puppies don't have direct access to the chickens, but they bark at anything that moves, and so far that is enough. They are now 5 1/2 months old and live with the goats

My Dels Ellis and Henrietta are grand but are living in separate pens right now. Need advice. I hatched 3 chicks from a bunch that Kathyinmo sent me back in the summer. I got 2 roos and 1 hen. One roo, I gave to a friend because I dont have enough space for 4 roos, and I still have one roo and the one hen living in a separate pen from the rest of the chickens. I have tried on quite a few occasions to introduce the 2 to the rest of the flock, they live right next to each other so they can see each other constantly. When I try to introduce them, they get picked on mercilessly and end up huddled in a corner scared to death. One night the roo couldnt walk and I thought I was going to loose him, but a little tlc and some scrambled eggs brought him around. The small pen that the 2 are in is damp and does not have a closed coop so I do not want them there for the winter. Help, what am I going to do. I am wondering if I will have to cull the roo as he is truly the one that is not fitting in. The hen knows her place, and I think the large pen is just to small for 3 roos. They do ok out in the yard together. (the two in the big pen get along wonderfully, no fighting at all)

Any Advice? I really would like to get my two dels together so that I can get some del chicks in the spring.
Do you have a wire dog crate? If so, put the two in the dog crate and put the crate in with the others...leave them there for a few days so they can interact but be safe...then slowly introduce them while you are right there with them...then put them back in the crate and do it gradually.

I sure hope that works for you...that is what I do around here and it seems to be working well...

Glad to hear the puppies are keeping everything scared away. Go Puppies!

Beth - have fun at the show and take pics! Yes the countdown is was all I could do not to buy treats and cute things yesterday while I was out running errands. LOL I was looking at whitening shampoos, mane and tail detangler, combs, face brushes, pretty lead ropes, feeders etc etc.
I have my own shock collar story.......I Just got one of those generic ones. I think it has 10 levels of correction, plus a BEEP to get their attention. I put it on my Shepherd mix when he was a youngun. He is a VERY NICE dog but has zero impulse control and has a big mouth. OMG THERE IS A FLY NEXT DOOR LET ME RUN THE FENCELINE AND BARK FOR 2 HOURS. I had no luck whatsoever with the collar.....even at 10 with new batteries and the collar on tight....he would literally twitch while he ran, little jerk. You could tell he felt it "biting" him but it wasn't enough to stop him.

I also tried one on my old shepherd mix YEARS ago....she didn't like cats, so i put one on her and figured if she went after the cat I would shock her. She was a very dominant dog and when I shocked her she apparently thought the other dog had nipped at her and took it all out on him. That was the last time we used a shock collar with her! LOL
Off to play with the chickens. I have a byc person coming to buy 6 hens this morning....still need to separate them out. Wish me luck! LOL. Usually I put them in a garage brooder ahead of time, but I have none open now.....sigh.
Good morning, all! Beth, I hope Emmy does well with her remaining four. And I wouldn't dream of setting eggs in a blizzard, anyway, but thanks for the egg offer, LOL!

I just never allowed my dogs around my birds at all. Cody was always in "kill mode" with anything that moved. Kes is a bit scared of the birds, but if she was loose and one was running, I have little doubt she'd give chase. If one turned on her, she might yelp and run, but I won't take the chance. She is 13 years old so has little interest in much playing anymore. She does love to run when we let her into the big yard, though. Chasing something might be even more fun! Won't be getting another dog when she is gone unless I feel we need to for safety and then, it would be an outside "live on the deck" dog that was of a breed that could be trained to guard the flock and not eat it.

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