Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

ok, pipsandpeeps, thanks so much! Do you think 1 and 2 week old Marans can get along ok? They're pretty different in size, but when I was cleaning out hte brooder box a few days ago- 2 little ones got over onto the other side and they just seemed to go unnoticed. I had to hunt for them, since they fit in between and under the older ones so well!
Once all the goose eggs are hatched, how long do you leave them in the bator? Til they're dry or walking better? Or should they go right in the brooder during the day today? (1st hatched yesterday noon-3 pm, and other 2 during the night last night. )
I def will get pics of them when they're dry and fluffy.
I have broody sebbies. I have only incubated the sebbies before, never let them hatch them themselves. I have 2 geese (both setting) and 1 gander in a pen together. This morning we have a gosling under one of the moms. Each goose has a large dog kennel for a nest box. This am, the gander is sitting in the kennel with her! She seems happy with him there. He looks under her once in a while. Should I separate her? Are ganders nice to goslings? Help!
nice looking setup! I don't know the answer to your question though. I was wanting to know if my babies' parents would adopt their own babies and brood them since I incubated them inside and hatched them. I still don't know that...if anyone has ever tried that, please let me know?
To tag onto the end of Daze's post... Would Sadie keep them safe and warm if I put them out with her? and
Would Sammy help or hurt?
The only time I let one of my geese set, she killed two of them. She sat too tight and they suffocated and one of them got out of the nest box and the gander killed it.
aghhh what a nightmare that must have been! I think I'll raise them...and worry about introducing them all later. How old do you let the babies get before introducing them to the adults?
Hi all,

Love all the new babies!!

I have a quick question, I have read Pete's guide to hatching and so far everything has gone very well. I have 7 Sebbie eggs that are getting into position to pip their air cells (the air cells have dipped slightly and I can see shadowing and movement but not into the air cell yet). I have them in my brinsea but they are moving into the hovabator to hatch. Pete says he doesn't up the humidity until they pip but it is hard for me to add water to this bator to get the humidity high enough from outside. I usually fill it and then use rubber tubing and syringes to fill the trays to maintain humidity. Is it safe to move the eggs into the higher humidity hatcher before they have pipped their air cells? This is what I do with chicken eggs but this is my first goose hatching experience. They are due to hatch this Sunday if all goes as planned. Thanks!
I increased the humidity some on day 25 (since I was dry incubating and I thought they had lost too much moisture) then once I saw the 1st egg internally pip, I increased it more (75%) and once baby #1 hatched, it went up to 87 on its own and once the other 2 hatched, the reading was "HI" so I knew it was over 87%. I guess those mistakes I made didn't hurt them much, since they all hatched on day 29.
Good luck!
I increased the humidity some on day 25 (since I was dry incubating and I thought they had lost too much moisture) then once I saw the 1st egg internally pip, I increased it more (75%) and once baby #1 hatched, it went up to 87 on its own and once the other 2 hatched, the reading was "HI" so I knew it was over 87%. I guess those mistakes I made didn't hurt them much, since they all hatched on day 29.
Good luck!
edited to add fluffy butt pics!
first out of the incubator:

then into my daughter's arms

Chickenlisa- Thanks for the advice, I moved them into the hatcher. Those babies are adorable, bet your daughter won't want to put them down.

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