Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

This is one of our young grey sb goslings

and this is the father of the gosling pictured above

and pictured below is Chance's (gander above) parents

they are lovely, this baby was supposed to be a curly white out of whites. I had even mentioned she looked very dark in the one distant shot I was shown of her and was told "all of my girls are this dark" her feet are all marbled as is her beak. Is there any chance she could still be a white or is it highly unlikely at this stage of her development? She has definite gray feathers coming in on one wing, other has white in the same exact spot.
Highly doubt it, based on that picture you shared, sorry

well... I guess I will have to grow it out and see what I end up with. Stinks though because I really do not have the space for another color, and I was hoping to pair her with a boy from my whites

This is y gander at 11 months with his "practice" brood of muscovy babies, his GF is on the nest with the 2 that hatched late... she was 16 months old when she pulled off this hatch (I started them in the incubator from shipped eggs) I did not trust them w/ their eggs (should have as I only managed to bring 3 to term in the Hova Genesis out of 12 set), so I let them hatch out these instead.


Willow Hatching the last three goslings for this year yesterday she stood up long enough for me to get a pic,. Winnie and Willow did good for their first year! I had 19 goslings out of 26 eggs, Winnie loves all of the babies so much he really, likes taking care of them. I let the ones i hatched out in the back with him for a while in the evening, he gets so excited he trumpets really loud and seems so happy to have them.
Willow has lost weight while sitting anything special I should feed her to help her gain it back now that he babies have hatched?

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