Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

OHHH so you can put chicken eggs in with the goose??? then a cabinet would be more worth my while unless you think it has an effect on your hatch rate. what do you set yours at and what is you hatch rate on goose? Sorry to bother you i just find it fascinating and want to know everything i can
Ugh... All this incubator talk is confusing me
I just want to know about the birds. I've had geese before but I sold them because they kept on going into the neighbors yard and I currently own ducks but I just need to know bout the birds.
The geese are awesome. They are goofy, clumsy, entertaining, loud at times, beatiful, and I personally think they aren't nearly as messy as ducks. My geese have wonderful personalities and they do hang with the ducks during nap time and occassionally at the pool. They are also living in the same pen at night and free range during the day. So far, they are easy keepers.

What else do you want to know? Oh, I feed them layena layer pellets, they get game bird food as a snack around 5 when I feed the horses. When I can afford it I will get flockraiser for them. Of course they get oyter shell mixed in with there feed.

I hope this helps.
So, I know what to fee them. I know that the don't sit on there eggs. I know they have extremly poor fertility. I know they need water so they can get clean. I know that they need good shelter cause they can get cold easily. What else should I know?
you also must know that they are Irresistible and very beautiful
yes, you can put the chicken eggs with the goose eggs.

what I do is this I have a Sportsman cabinet incubator and I set my eggs all together and at lock down i set them in my Genesis Hova-bator
I have 2 of them so I time it so that the ones in lock down have time to hatch before the next ones go in.

reason I set them in the cabinet incubator is so that they can have a better chance at developing once they go tru that stage all they have to do id break the egg and come out, mine are not laying yet but I got chicken eggs hatching .
yes, you can put the chicken eggs with the goose eggs.

what I do is this I have a Sportsman cabinet incubator and I set my eggs all together and at lock down i set them in my Genesis Hova-bator
I have 2 of them so I time it so that the ones in lock down have time to hatch before the next ones go in.

reason I set them in the cabinet incubator is so that they can have a better chance at developing once they go tru that stage all they have to do id break the egg and come out, mine are not laying yet but I got chicken eggs hatching .

How much did you buy the sportsman cabinet incubator for?
There's no breeders in Canada fOr the blasted things!!! Good lord this is hard. The only place I can get them from is Metzer and that involves flying them in. Im nit made of money. Yah I can take care of them and make them happy and healthy but I can't buy them first class flights up to here!!! Anger!!! If you guys know of any breeders of seabastapol geese in canada, ANYWHERE in canada, please tell me?
I am doing the same thng as Nava, pulling them at lockdown and putting in a table top bator to hatch out. This leaves the hatch tray for duck or chicken eggs to be set in still in the cabinet.


Any goose breed you get will walk and graze and walk some more unless you have a fence to keep them on your property, and off the neighbors. Sebbies will brood their own eggs, but most choose to take the eggs to keep the goose laying.

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