Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Thank you and best wishes with your pair!
Have fun with them.
Good morning all and welcome to Willow. I am down to only two Sebbie eggs out of the six I received in the mail. If I don't get any Sebbies I plan on ordering a pair and then trying to set my own eggs. Shipping is so chancy. I am sooo sad because I love the look of the Sebbie geese and figured that I would let my oldest daughter have my Chinese and Troulouse if I ended up with those gorgeous Sebbie geese. So now I am determined to have some of my very own by hook or crook. Good luck to all of you that are hatching eggs.
Had another gosling hatch yes day. Dahlila's first of the year. Lockdown coming again for Sebbie Friday and Saturday this week.

Current Gosling Tally:

Sassy: 3 (more eggs set and growing)

Pandora: 1 (more eggs set and growing)

Dahlila:1 (more eggs set and growing)

Chloe: 0. (multiple eggs set and growing)

Peaches: 0 (multiple eggs set and growing)

Lucy: 0 (she isn't showing much interest yet)
My first gosling ever pipped this morning! I almost called out of work, i can't wait to get home and see what I have. Have a ton more in the incubator. So hopefully there is more to come over the next month!!! Will post pics when he/she makes an apperance!

I hatched my first gosling ever this morning!!! and here she/he is. Not really sure if it's a goose or gander since mommy is a buff saddleback and daddy is all white.

I do have one question are their genitalia supposed to look swollen right after they hatch? (I do have a pic i just don't want to post it on the thread and offend anyone) Thanks!!!!
I'm posting here and on Sebbie forum with this question: if any of the 3 growing Sebbie goslings hatch (next Tuesday is day 28!
) is it possible for their parents (out back in my goose pen/yard) to raise them safely or since they didn't sit on the eggs and hatch them, they won't 'know' them and adopt them? I take Sadie's egg each time she lays one, so I don't see any signs of broodiness. If I left them, she may decide to set though....I trying to figure out if I brood them indoors with chicken chicks, or let Sammy and Sadie try to raise them.....anyone ever try that?

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