Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Very nice garden Muggs...:) I will be putting in a winter crop of turnips, mustards, and beets for us and all the birds :) My cabbages are just about ready to harvest.. soo I can start planting greens shortly :)
Love the garden! I just picked up some more turnip seeds too.

I am also wondering about the plucking. My last adult Toulouse is finally molting (she was on a nest) and boy some of those shafts are thick as pencils. Won't they bleed? Those babies that got picked were a bloody mess.
I am going to test out pulling feathers on one or two ganders. What is the next step if the new feathers grow in the same way? Can we expect that possibility?

I did keep close eye on my TWT gander this time when he molted. The seemed to be coming back normal, then BOING! Too late!
Ok, here is the disaster. They ate mazuri waterfowl starter until their primaries started to come in and then were switched to mazuri waterfowl maintenance. Problem is that mazuri had two huge recalls out here and most of the waterfowl feeds are on back order forever now. So I slowly switched them over to nutrena flock raiser which is 18% min protein vs mazuri's 14% min. I thought mazuri was 16% min but I just reread the label and was incorrect. We have no grass. Our area is in a serious drought and the grass is burnt to a crisp. They are hungry and ask to be fed several times a day so they have been getting a lot more processed feed then I would care to give them but when the come and hollar at me I don't know what else to do for them. Should I try soaking chopped hay? I can get alfalfa and timothy hay in chopped or cubed form and could try soaking it? I have tried putting the horses hay flakes out but they just drag it everywhere and don't eat it. Any advice would be much appreciated. These photos were taken while they were loose but I can catch them if need be for better pics. When they started to feather in the curlies broke a lot of primaries off and had to regrow them? Is that normal or should that have been my first hint at a problem? They seem like they have a terrible time holding their wings up and constantly adjust them by overshooting and throwing them up onto their backs and then letting them slide back down. The two smooth sebbies didn't have any of these problems.

P.S. There is a lady 2 hours south of me that is selling her flock of sebbies and she has birds from cottage rose!!! You should see them, I am dying to go down but DH just gave me that look....they are stunning birds though....I think the heat is pushing a lot of people to sell their animals right now. There is no grass. It costs a lot to feed these guys when there is nothing else for them to graze on and she has 30 of them so I am sure they are eating into her wallet. I would love to have a pair...

this is exactly one of what i think is a gander feathers are coming in!!!! i was freaking out like noooo.. the only way I'll be able to get rid of him is selling him for meat.. :( hopefully his feather start to curl soon.. seeing feather two plus inc taller than his back is bothersome!
LOVE your raised beds!!!

I love the raised beds ya'll have! It's the only way I will garden anymore. It is so much easier to maintain, water, weed, crop rotate, etc. My poultry are not allowed anywhere near my garden...I wouldn't have anything left by the time they were done with it! We have 26 beds and too many berry bushes and vines for them to get into. On the plus side, I swear the only reason I grow lettuce is for the Saxony ducks and Sebbies. :0)

This is just a portion of the garden:
How many of you find that people think smooth breasted Sebbies are inferior to curlies? I feel like the smooth breasted get a bad rap even though they have produced some of my best feathered offspring!
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