Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

We are in the country and I when we were first here  we had to hunting dogs come through and found out who they belonged to and he offered to pay for the birds, I told him no ,but if the dogs ran off again to please call me so I could put everyone away and he did otherwise we were loaded and ready to go to.  Wish the animal control could tell them they need to pay for the vet bill  and I know it wont' bring Red Wagon back but for him as well.  I think the worst part is she doesn't care. I would be devistated if my dog did that.


Yep! That's is what is most hurtful is her attitude. I asked her if she was going to be a good neighbor and pay the vet bill and she told me off. I am so thankful the other neighbor complained about that dog years ago do there was a record. I used to think that people do the right thing but nope. Sad.
So sad. I am sorry for the loss of your pretty chicken. I completely agree that Sebbies are ultra hardy and yours will come through just fine. Our young Seb was attacked by a fox and had it's neck and chest ripped wide open. There wasn't enough skin to stitch him back together, so we could only rinse it and put blue kote on him. He healed beautifully and is now a big happy teenager.

We have a neighbor with a similar attitude whose dogs have come onto our property and attacked our little dogs and our livestock/poultry. The codes officer sided with the neighbors saying "dogs will be dogs". What the what? It goes against all common sense. Your dog is on MY property wreaking havoc, and we can just chalk it up to dogs being dogs? My dogs don't get out of my yard. My dogs do not get out of my sight...period. I called the police and they told me I am within my rights to dispatch the neighbor's dogs should they attempt to harm my animals again. Phew. Not that I want to, but at least we aren't completely helpless in this matter. I don't know the laws where you are, but I would check to at least confirm if you have those same rights. Best of luck to you.
So sad.  I am sorry for the loss of your pretty chicken.  I completely agree that Sebbies are ultra hardy and yours will come through just fine.  Our young Seb was attacked by a fox and had it's neck and chest ripped wide open.  There wasn't enough skin to stitch him back together, so we could only rinse it and put blue kote on him.  He healed beautifully and is now a big happy teenager.  

We have a neighbor with a similar attitude whose dogs have come onto our property and attacked our little dogs and our livestock/poultry.  The codes officer sided with the neighbors saying "dogs will be dogs".  What the what?  It goes against all common sense.  Your dog is on MY property wreaking havoc, and we can just chalk it up to dogs being dogs?   My dogs don't get out of my yard.  My dogs do not get out of my sight...period.  I called the police and they told me I am within my rights to dispatch the neighbor's dogs should they attempt to harm my animals again.  Phew.  Not that I want to, but at least we aren't completely helpless in this matter.  I don't know the laws where you are, but I would check to at least confirm if you have those same rights.  Best of luck to you.    

Animal control and our Sheriff told me that if the dog in our property we have the right to shoot it. I told her that if her dog is caught on our land that's what my plan was and she said she didn't care. So we are locked, loaded and watching. I don't want that to happen and I hope AC catches it first. I love dogs but I have to protect our livestock.
If anyone has any Sabbie hatching eggs let me know. Since Sebsatian is unshowable now (and the kids wanted to show him in 4-H) I want to hatch some more eggs. Sebastain will have a forever home with us even tho he can't show but I would like to have some SQ Sabbies.
Let me know if you have any for sale. :)
Mycutekitties, sorry your boy was s badly injured. This isn't breeding/laying season for geese. It will be 2013 before they begin to lay again. Southern birds will start laying about 4/6 weeks before the more northern birds.

If you want show quality you should buy in the fall (juveniles from this past spring) so you are buying true show quality birds. You aren't guaranteed show quality when you buy eggs to hatch.
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Mycutekitties, sorry your boy was s badly injured. This isn't breeding/laying season for geese. It will be 2013 before they begin to lay again. Southern birds will start laying about 4/6 weeks before the more northern birds.
If you want show quality you should buy in the fall (juveniles from this past spring) so you are buying true show quality birds. You aren't guaranteed show quality when you buy eggs to hatch.

Thanks for the info. :)

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