second online pigeon show


9 Years
Dec 25, 2010
ham lake
hosted by me colster 10000 the creator of the first pigeon show on byc
this one is for mainly exotic pigeons like dale the irranian high flier (the winner of the last show )
the rules are the same
1 has to have the breed name(s)
2 has to have the birds name(s)
3 has to have the age(s)
4 the picture of the bird(s)
and happy postings
and every time you win i will put your name and pigeons name below on every upcoming show i post
dead line is monday august first

cochinGurl with dale the irranian high flier
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What exactly do you mean by exotic? Usually exotic refers to pigeon species like fruit doves, crowned pigeons, etc. The kind that you don't find a whole lot of domesticated. But Iranian Highfliers are a breed of domestic pigeon, and not even a fancy (show type) at that. Or do you mean rare breeds like Scandaroons, Hungarians, and Naked Necks?
yes it does go by standards and by exotic i mean like un normal or just different breed just no plain janes - colorful .....need i go on?
Someone told me naked necked pigeons are regular pigeons that just get the feathers plucked around their neck at a young age? Is this true? If so, thats crazy.
Mary, or Becky, your a pigeon woman. Everyone of my posts has you in it. Haha, thanks. Doesn't plucking make white feathers?

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