I will have to check into shipping plants and regs.
It should be easy enough to get them started well in little pots then free from the mother plant. Packing I would wrap the pot to secure the damp soil well and stabilize in the box.

The big thing will be if the post office will let me mail them..... I will go in and ask tomorrow.
Shouldn't be a problem to ship, they ship plants all the time. I would suggest wet paper towels around the roots, wrapped in plastic wrap to hold the moisture in, then bubble wrap and stuff in a box for shipment.
I look forward to the swap. I have seeds from this years order and last year.
I got rid of all my older seeds last year.
Here is the list of what I have. If anyone would like to swap some seeds with me I would love to try some new things.

2017 seeds
senposi/ hybrid evergreen cabbage
rover radish
mt pride tomato
mt merrit tomato
pac choy
athena musk melon
bunching white onion lisbon
clemson spinless okra
crimson sweet watermelon
summer squash

2018 seeds
homemade pickles
early summer squash
golden grex og beets
walla walla sweet spanish onion
pingtung long eggplant
sweet basil
sweet marjoram
mixed mint- lemon balm, spearmint, peppermint, lemon mint

We have wild blackberries all over our pasture that we got nearly 6 gallons of berries from last summer. If anyone would like some cuttings I would be happy to take some.
The blackberries are organic and have never been sprayed and only fertilized with the natural cow patties. lol

I forgot to add my flower seeds
hisbiscus seeds
marigold 2'
pink and orange zenia
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@21hens-incharge , I know it's possible to wrap wet towels around the roots of clippings, and then wrap the wet towels with saran wrap and they stay MOIST that way for shipping..... if you want to save time and such from planting. :D

The only way I have tried to get the blackberries to take root was pinning a cane to the ground where it can touch the dirt. I was thinking once rooted I would be hesitant to de-pot as them young roots are delicate........
I will have to give it a go and see if it works to de-pot some and replant.
Chit if the squirrel can take a chunk and leave it by the fence 80' away from the mother plant.....where it is now a huge plant.....how hard can it be?
@chickadoodles I'd be interested in some of your spinach, dill and apple mint. :D Please check my post for anything you might want.

I like your list Smuvers.
I would like to trade for these:
Corn Salad Dutch Greens
Mizuna Oriental Green
Purple Plum Radish

If that is ok? Pm me your list of what you want and address and I will get it out tomorrow if it's not raining or Thurs if it is.
I don't have much as I'm just getting started, so here's what I have:

Sweet basil
Purple basil
Beebalm (just a little)
And if someone tells me how to do cuttings I have a huge rosemary bush and lots of wild blackberry vines.

I might have some more seeds, I'll have to look. I'm interested in potatoes or herbs. Honeysuckle and bleeding hearts would be awesome too.

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