Seizures and vaccines


Nov 13, 2017
i have a one year old border collie Freckles. Before I adopted him he had a history of seizures and was placed on Zonisamide. I discontinued the medication a month and a half ago and Freckles had no seizures. About a week and a half ago he had a distemper vaccine because his titer was low. Now a week and a half later he is having seizures again. They are grand mal, rectal Valium has no effect and he paces in the back yard for 45 minutes before he comes in to sleep. He is now on Kbromide. Has anyone any advice, similar experience or info?
A lot of people confuse correlation with causation. Just because two events occur one after the other, it does not necessarily mean one caused the other. I suspect this is the case here. I don't think the vaccine had anything to do with the seizures. That said, if you did not give the vaccine and the dog got distemper, then he would REALLY have seizures, if he survived at all.
i have a one year old border collie Freckles. Before I adopted him he had a history of seizures and was placed on Zonisamide. I discontinued the medication a month and a half ago and Freckles had no seizures. About a week and a half ago he had a distemper vaccine because his titer was low. Now a week and a half later he is having seizures again. They are grand mal, rectal Valium has no effect and he paces in the back yard for 45 minutes before he comes in to sleep. He is now on Kbromide. Has anyone any advice, similar experience or info?
This is an old post but I just thought I’d give my personal experience. I had a wonderful rescued border collie for ten years. She had a rabies vaccine that made her leg give out from under her as they administered it. She went into convulsions an hour later that lasted every day on and off for a year until I had to put her down. It was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. She died six years ago and I still miss her everyday. I hope your dog is ok now.

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