Self Blue Banty Cochin-(New Pics, 8-16) It's Official, I think...


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I still didnt get a good hackle area shot, but Shadow is 10-11 weeks old now and these pics are better than previous ones I've had. Boy or girl?



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Looks girlie to does your GLW.
Of course, I know nothing about these breeds, so time will tell.

Jody, all the Wyandottes I got this year have turned red really soon, but the feather patterns are female, so I think on those three, I'm safe. The GLW has nice lacing on the chest compared to the two SLWs I have. The barred, peacombed girl in the 3rd pic is Panda, my BR Zane's daughter with my Blue Ameraucana. Hope she lays green eggs!
Oh good..someone confirmed my thoughts. TY! I am pretty sure boy cochin combs get much bigger than that by this age. I've never raised them, so wasn't 100% but now I feel better about guessing girls.

Cyn - that GLW is really pretty. I love the lacing on them..just beautiful.

Thanks, Jody, I think her lacing is very nice and what I like is that, instead of fading out on the chest, it's just as distinct there. I think she'll be a beauty when she grows up. Her name is Vada (pronounced VAY-duh) like in the movie "My Girl".
Well, well, well, Shadow is a girl. Her bright red comb and stringy saddle area seemed just seemed boyish, but what confused me was that there are no wattles at all. I'd expect a cockerel to at least have some wattles going by now. Hmm, so rather than a little boy who'll get his own ladies, I have a pullet who will go broody at the drop of a hat, LOL. Good thing I gave her a unisex name!
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Oh Cyn you stole my name. I was going to name one of my brown reds after my distant aunt Veda. Panda is a HOOT! I love that "what are you lookin at" photo. I agree with Jody, I think she is a she.

Well, if I can name one Alma, you can name one Veda/Vada, LOL. What do you know? I have a Cochin pullet. Figured my first foray into the "assorted straight run bantams" bin would give me a cockerel. Panda is a real clown, just as sweet as her mama and daddy, though.
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Well you would think so. The first time I got Bantams I got red pyle moderns and all 5 were boys, go figure. Of course you can name one of your girls Alma. I am saving that name for my very sweetest Brown red girl in memory of my litle BR sweetie.

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