Self-Blue Cochin Bantams

1 out of 3 were fertile and the 1 hatched. Unfortunately it's one of the 75% that will be black. I think there are 7 eggs in this week's hatch. All but 1 of the pullets is now laying so the numbers will increase over the next few weeks.
Of course the one that hatched was black...
My cochins have just picked up laying in the last couple of days. I collected 15 or so from the last 2 weeks and popped them in yesterday. Im not messing around with fertility this go round. I was so dissapointed last year because, by the time I figured out how much of a haircut they needed to get a good connection, half my girls were broody and I didn't get to make much progress. I was out there the other day and plucked a 4" circle and trimmed between the legs and the cushion of every bird. I believe you AI your birds but, I just haven't been very successful with that. Anyway, Im just so excited about the birds that came from you (not SB for everyone who's wanting those) and am really looking forward to this year's hatch.
I didn't have my hopes up too high that the first one would be SB. The eggs in this week's hatch are all from that same pullet except one of them, so I have some better odds of seeing little SB's. I am in California for work at the moment, so there should be a trayful of chicks when I get home Thursday. I think I put around 8 dozen in the hatcher Sunday night. With several breeds and varieties the numbers add up quicks. I've set around 16-17 dozen the past two weeks and fertility has been very good. Hatch rate was right at 90% last week.
2nd group of eggs. 5 eggs from the same female, 4 hatched 1 Self Blue, 3 Black Chicks. All eight pullets are laying now so the number of eggs set each week will increase.

f4 2011 Self-Blue Chick. First official Self-Blue of the year.

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