Self Blue (Lavender) Silkie Thread

I have three cuckoo silkie chicks right now and they look just like yours except for the head of your chick which is sort of white and black splotches and the tail which appears soild gray in that photo. I think you have a REAL interesting bird there. Hmmmm I bet if you had a lavender cuckoo that the barring would be barely visible if at all. If your roo is a lavender cuckoo he must only have one copy of cuckoo or he'd have thrown all cuckoo chicks (if I remember this correctly). I hope you will post over on the cuckoo silkie thread and let everyone over there have a looksee!
Done, I am now interested to see what the cuckoo people say
LOL! Those birds were such a tease for people!

I will certainly keep in touch! I am trying to get to know other local breeders with good quality birds. Aside from the Lavs, I am wanting to start a B/B/Spl pen. If you know any good local breeders with B/B/Spl please PM me their contact info! I would love to see some of mine enter the shows someday. Right now I am just in the beginning stages of this addictive hobby! I've already decided we need to look into a small farm

As far as Ky and In shows, do you have some links you could PM me? I would love to go! I'm hoping come spring I'll have NPIP cert ect...

I hope 'ya know I was just kidding.....we put a SOLD sign on them! But they were a gift for a friend.

She is phenotypically blue but is ALSO a lavender. This is why everyone says it's not a good idea to breed blue and lavender together. I have finally wrapped my head around the fact that birds can be both lavender AND another color. It isn't quite as simple as "lav to lav = lav"
That's true sometimes but when you start creating other varieties, like porcelain, you have to throw in the buff as well.

She came from a breeding of porcelain to porcelain. This is sometimes going to throw birds that are more buff, some that are more lavender...and some that don't show much buff at all. If there was a blue split lav used to produce lavender, at any point, then throw in the blue too!!
And if someone thought a very light blue was a lavender and used them, then...... see where I'm going?? Once you have true lavender, you can always distinguish them from other colors.

You will probably get a percentage of lavenders from breeding her to a black split lav. How many will carry the blue....????

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