Senior Hen Egg Laying Problems- Peritonitis?


In the Brooder
Aug 18, 2019

Looking for advice on what to do. We have an 11 year old (almost 12) senior Ameraucana hen. Over the past 3 years she stopped producing eggs except for 1 or 2 soft-shelled eggs per year that usually break inside of her. We managed to find vets who treat chickens for each of those episodes and she was treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and sometimes fluids. This past week (around Wednesday) she started to eat and drink less, and her droppings became very watery with whitish, small amounts of green fecal matter, and/or yellowish in them. At first, she was acting normal, but two days ago began laying down more, staying in or under her coop, which is not like her. This is how she behaved when she had the egg issues in the past, so we think she is laying internally.

On Sunday, we gave her an anti-inflammatory (carprofen), and Monday we started her on an antibiotic (Clavacillin) that we had left over from last year. This time we have not been able to find a vet who treats chickens. We took her to an emergency vet on Monday night. They said they felt “something”, but were not sure what. They did not seem to be familiar with poultry and told us to keep doing what we are doing. They gave her IV fluids. They wanted to give her cerenium but we declined. We do not know if she was given a sedative – she seemed a little worse. When we got her home she was laying down, keeping her eyes closed or barely open, and did not want to stand or move. Today, she was slightly perkier, but still moving slow and stiff and she seems to fall asleep often closing her eyes and standing still. She is also laying down more today and her tail is down. She is drinking A LOT of water, and is still having very watery droppings. I started giving her Hydro Hen (electrolytes and probiotics). She is not eating much today – a few peas, some pumpkin and egg yolk, and a few bites of mash.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated? I am not sure what I am feeling for when feeling for egg, shells, etc. in her abdomen. Not sure if she laid internally or is egg bound. Below are pictures of her droppings and how she is standing.

Thank you!


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I'm sorry, but I think you should prepare to say goodbye and just make her comfortable for whatever time she has left. The average lifespan of a chicken is 5-10 years, and the world's oldest chicken (Matilda) lived to be 16.
I'm sorry, but I think you should prepare to say goodbye and just make her comfortable for whatever time she has left. The average lifespan of a chicken is 5-10 years, and the world's oldest chicken (Matilda) lived to be 16.
Thank-you for responding. We finally found a poultry vet and had an appointment this morning, but it was too late, she was so weak and passed away during the vet visit. 😢

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