September 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Went into lockdown last night, technically it was day 17. Something kept nagging me to do it, so I did. Live Mas?! 16 shipped eggs and 15 of my own barnyard mix. I'm waiting patiently to hear little peeps! Tried the "dry incubating" method for first time also. Hope I didn't stretch too much, day 17 lockdown, shipped eggs, and dry inc method.
Thanks! The last one just hatched... so I got 21 out of 29 from lockdown! I live out in the country and have serious predator problems. I probably lost 15 chickens in two weasel attacks alone this summer not to mention one or two disappearing while free-ranging during the day from my local fox and a few chicks to rats. I was left with only 8 layers (and one of those has been broody for months now) so I realized that I needed to up my chicken count dramatically if I could expect to lose chickens like that each year!
I'm so sorry to hear that! I also live in predator heavy country/rural so I understand what you go through. Congrats on your excellent hatch!
I had 10/10 eggs hatch that went into lockdown. 2 I had to help as they got stuck zipping. One zipped about a third and stayed like that for over 12 hrs so I carefully removed shell in what would have been the rest of the zip area. The 2nd one I helped had zipped and broke the shell all the way around but still had lots of bits of membrane joined so I broke a few of these.Humidity was 70% all through lockdown & hatch (even with opening the incubator as I steamed up the bathroom the incubator is in. The humidity never dropped).

Here are some pics of the cute fluff balls (they are Australorps, except whitey who is Australorp over an Isa Brown)

Here's my brooder set up. As they are now all out I will be moving this to the shed today (its in the house atm). The floor will be changed to something else in a couple of days once they all have their footing. There is non-slip shelf liner under the paper towel atm.

I finally decided to help out at least two of my stuck chicks. The membrane had dried and hardened and they were unable to push out of the shell. It has been very tedious and very slow. I have been trying to re-wet the membrane and then slowly chip away at the Shell. Both are free to come out now but I have laid them back in the incubator hopefully to do it on their own.
I just found a la bresse breeding trio 2hrs from me for 125$ might get that for the hubby and skip having them as chicks :/
I just found a la bresse breeding trio 2hrs from me for 125$ might get that for the hubby and skip having them as chicks :/

I had a little search tonight and found a breader about 1 hour away from me, but he is only selling his surplus Cockerel at the moment. I emailed and asked if he had any hatching eggs for sale. Would be great to buy a few pullets though, let's see if he responds.

marlene look at local farm postings, and poultry swaps, often times you can find rare breeds you want...... it can be harder to verify what lines they have or that their birds are not mixed, but it might be a good place to start looking if you cant get the shipped eggs to hatch.

marlene look at local farm postings, and poultry swaps, often times you can find rare breeds you want...... it can be harder to verify what lines they have or that their birds are not mixed, but it might be a good place to start looking if you cant get the shipped eggs to hatch.
My stuck chicks are drying out with another hatchling. Here are my other 3 fluffy butts!


Ahhhh! I'm loving all the cute chick pics!! Congrats to everyone with chickies. I've been a little busy today, and I'll be gone all day tomorrow, so I figured I would update now. Out of the 17 eggs that went into lockdown, 15 hatched. However, we had to cull one of the chicks, as it was born with a deformity, and couldn't stand up :( I ended up putting all 14 of the chicks under Mother Hen, and she's been caring for all of them graciously. I gave 3 chicks to a friend, and it turn she bought me 2!
What are friends for, right?? Anyway, I took these pictures 2 days ago, and the quality and lighting isn't the best, but it's all I've got for now.

The gray one proudly standing in front hatched from a single egg that I got from a friend (the same one that bought me two chicks), and it's an Ameraucana cross.
I'm firing up my 'egg-cooker' this week! First time incubating, trying my BCMs and BCM x Easter Eggers' eggs! I've got eight eggs so far this week. Is anyone else just starting? I see a lot of fluff chicks.

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