September Egg Swap--Sign-ups closed--check posts for shipping updates!

I got my favorite Silkie from 1234muki!

I was one of the last to get my eggs-I got 4 duck and 6 tiny EE eggs. I candled last night and I have 2 definite duck babies and 2 definite EEs-the other EEs are too dark-shelled to see well!
My eggs are here, my eggs are here!!! YAY!
what a great day, my eggs arrived and one of my duck eggs hatched a day early!

Tennessee sent me 9 gorgeous black mottled cochin bantam eggs. They all arrived safely and are currently settling before going in the bator. I have to say, some of the best packing I've seen and my 4 yo DS is currently occupied with the extra foam pieces and top square. So, not only am I thrilled, he's entertained which is always a good day in my book!
I think I've found our entertain for sissy's soccer game tonight!

YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! I'm glad you got your eggs and they made it there safe and sound!! And you read your instructions!!! ROFL!! I probably sounded like an idiot but I didn't want you to lose any of them.

Oh I hope you have a GREAT hatch!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSS

In my bator I have 5 little ones from my swap that hatched so far, plus I have 2 bantam Ameracaunas and one Mottled Cochin. Come on babies, hatch hatch hatch!!

I actually LOVE your packing, where ever did you find those handy foam sleeves? those are great!
DH stopped home at lunch and when i told himwhat they were he was quite excited (LOL) apparently he's been eyeing cochin bantams for a while--news to me!
SO, he is now very excited to hatch these out. What's really funny is that if I put them in later today they will hatch on his birthday (Oct 27). SO, without knowing you have given practically my entire family joy!
My other DS is only 2 so he was thrilled just to see the eggs and proclaimed 'EGGS!' for the first time! what a sweetie!
DD isn't home from school yet but she loves bantams of any kind and actually asked me today if the eggs you were sending would be bantams! I swear, that kid has the best of of any I know!
Bad incubator failed when I wasn't home yesterday and my eggs cooled for 8 hours before I realized and could get the eggs into another bator.

I think my september egg swap hatch is ruined. I'm holding out hope for a miracle baby but I don't think there's much chance for that.
Has anybody ever had chicks hatch after that long of a cooling? Is it possible?

On the bright side, the D'Uccle eggs I had are already hatched and my september egg swap eggs were the ONLY eggs I had in that incubator. If this had happened a week ago I would have lost about 40 eggs including BCMs and Olive eggers.

Anyway, whoever my swap buddy is, I am so sad I lost your eggs because they were doing so wonderfully.
Sorry to hear that Bananas ..

I do have my first pip on my Silver Laced Wyandotte.. I sure hope my hatch goes ok I opened the bator my brody was out off of her eggs and I had to put hers in with the rest...
I had a broody hen get off her nest this spring. She had been off long enough for the eggs to get stone least 6 hours when I decided to try them in the incubator. 14 out of 20 eggs hatched!!! So don't give up just yet. All things ARE possible.

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