***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

For your guinea Eggs!
Ha ha - How old are your B/B/O chicks? ( You can send me a picture threw PM and I bet I can tell your their gender.
For your Hatch!

For your hatch, too!
I got my shipped eggs in two batches. Still waiting for the third batch. I thought that I was going to get them at the same time. By Saturday I thought I should put the dozen Exchequer Leghorns in the bator. So I did. Then the batch of BCM and Blue Orpington's, six each arrived. I put those in on Sunday. They will be about 24 hours apart in lock down. That should be OK, I figure that I will split the 18 day lock down time.

My big problem is the dozen buff Orpington's that still have not arrived. By all accounts they should have been here last week. So now, I suppose that will be here on Tuesday. That would be almost 4 days later for their lock down. They would need turning for 4 more days. My bator has a turner in it, that I take out for lock down. There is no other room in it for lock down and turning eggs.

Any suggestions?
My 2 chicken eggs are due next Monday the 13th!

Last night I ordered 45 + Button Quail Eggs from Feathered Obsessions, and she let me have them all for just the shipping price! She let me have all 45 + Eggs for just .... are you ready for this ... $6.25 !!!!!!
I just wonna hug Charlene!
hmm i have a delma what do you do when one egg has a hatch day later then the others, i know i cant open the brooder during lock down, would it kill it to not turn for a few days?
That's my problem too! No extra bator, or broody hen. With just one day, I thought that I would go a half a day long for one batch, then half a day early for the other batch. Four days, well.....
I have a bantam cochin HATCHLING! That egg I thought was dead, which had pipped TWO days ago, hatched this morning!!!!! What a wonderful surprise!! I am SO jazzed. Because I only use the small Brinsea Mini Advance incubators, holding 7 chicken eggs, I consider a single hatchling SUCCESS. But it's still actually a day earlier than I expected any to hatch.... so there may be more.



Just about an hour old, but having managed to get a few eggs away from its own shell.

About 90 minutes old, more able to stand up.
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Fluffy Puffy: The babies are only 1 3/4 weeks old. I have them outside today in the same pen as the 5 week old buff orpington chicks. They can see each other but can't get to each other. I will take a picture as soon as I can get out there.

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