***SEPTEMBER HATCH-A-LONG come join in***

Do you mean what color they'll be when they are grown? That's a good question. I honestly don't know. I figure the dark one pretty much has to be a blue face. Probably single factor, but I haven't tried to tell for sure. One of the others might be a Cinnamon, but time will tell. As for the third? Your guess is as good as mine! So long as they grow up healthy I'm happy. I am kind of happy, though, that none were the original wild color. ALL FOUR of the last ones I hatched out were. I'm happy, though, because they were all girls. So, even if I ended up with all boys this time, I'll be able to pair them up okay. They do not have either parent in common, so the genetics aren't too close. Though, honestly, I'd rather end up with more girls. I'd rather have that in surplus than males.

They're just the cutest little boogers!

Are they from your flock or did you order them?
They are from mine. Sometime over the next year I'll need to order some coturnix eggs, but I should be okay without ordering button quail eggs for a while. I have a pretty good genetic assortment there for now since I started with so many more birds. I only started with four coturnix, though, and don't want to end up inbreeding them.
So, I am nearly certain that my last few eggs are not going to hatch. One was a late incubation quitter. I did an eggtopsy on that one. The others had kicked it around while hatching so it had a bit of a damaged spot. By the time I decided to go ahead an open it, it was dead. It wouldn't have mattered, though, as it had not made it quite through incubation -- had not absorbed the yolk but was otherwise fully formed. It was COMPLETELY out of space in the shell. The egg was a bit on the small side anyway.

The other eggs seem to be clear to me. I had not candled prior to this since they are coturnix eggs. As best as I can tell, though, they are clear. I'm going to go ahead and leave them in the incubator at least a couple more days JUST in case, but I don't expect any more to hatch.

So, that means I had 5 / 12 hatch. I was pretty sure from the beginning that 3 wouldn't hatch -- the mother simply doesn't lay eggs that are right. So, that would be 5 / 9 from the ones I had hope for. I can live with that rate. These are 2 year old birds (at least) that were given to me as adults. It's also awfully late in the year AND I didn't turn these eggs while they were waiting for the incubator. They were also stored a bit on the warm side. (Honestly, I'd intended on waiting another week.) They simply sat out in my garage at 80 degrees until they went in & some were there for nearly a week.

Pretty decent hatch rate, I think, given all that. Now, please let at least 3 be girls.
I woke up to two silkie babies and several more pipped eggs. Yeah!! I am supposed to lockdown some marans eggs today too. Still haven't figured out how I'm gonna lock these down yet since I have a staggard hatch going on in one bator and the silkies are actually hatching out in the other bator.....I'm hoping some idea will come to me today LOL! Maybe if enough silkies hatch out I can open the bator (yeah a no no) to pull out some chicks and shove the marans eggs in there.

I have hatched a few batches of Buttons and Chicken eggs together ... the buttons had gone into lockdown but the chickens weren't going into lockdown intil a week later, I had to open the incubator 3 times aday and it didn't affect my hatch. 4 - 5 buttons hatched and 7 out of 8 chicken eggs hatched.

I haven't gone out to check on the incubator this morning .... way too nervous!
I open mine to put eggs in. It's mot going to hurt anything. They say not to open it but some people have to hand turn the eggs 3X a day. In y case, I have 2 bators with turners and 1 without and that one is my hatcher. Mainly because it maintains a stable temp and humidity. I can raise the top to transfer eggs or take out chicks and it pounces right back. You know the hen would have to eat, drink and go potty.

My other 2 bators when I have to open them I put a towel over them till they go back to the right temps and humidity.
Today is lockdown on my first hatch ever. I am so excited. Only 3 were fertile but I have high hopes for all 3 to hatch. Wish me lucky guys. They are blue silkie Bantam eggs.

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