Lots of people dig a hole and bury them. I tend to wrap them up in a few bags and take them to the trash outside but that's because I hatch a lot of chicks and if I dug a hole every time I disposed of infertile eggs my yard would look like I have moles. LOL :lau
You just gave me an idea....what if I put them in the mole holes? Would that finally chase the moles away? :lau
Hmmm....I might have an egg that looks like that. I do think I see shadows. Just no veining. But the egg shells are very mottled and it makes it hard to see what I'm looking at. Maybe I should give them a little longer?

If you're unsure then definitely wait! Do a little sniff test to make sure you don't have any ticking time bombs and other than that there is no harm in waiting! You may find yourself surprised by the outcome! :fl
Lots of people dig a hole and bury them. I tend to wrap them up in a few bags and take them to the trash outside but that's because I hatch a lot of chicks and if I dug a hole every time I disposed of infertile eggs my yard would look like I have moles. LOL :lau
I used to make maggot farms out of them but the renter neighbor next door I was trying to run off finally left and I stopped stinking bombing near his house. He is also the reason why I got roosters and started learning how to breed chickens. I have since found ways to make maggot farms without creating stink bombs for troublesome neighbors. Keeping the roosters now that he moved out. New Neighbors can get free eggs as long as they do not bring trouble making party friends into the nieghborhood.
You just gave me an idea....what if I put them in the mole holes? Would that finally chase the moles away? :lau

LOL!!! If I were a mole it would work on me! Rotten eggs are STINKY!

I used to make maggot farms out of them but the renter neighbor next door I was trying to run off finally left and I stopped stinking bombing near his house. He is also the reason why I got roosters and started learning how to breed chickens. I have since found ways to make maggot farms without creating stink bombs for troublesome neighbors. Keeping the roosters now that he moved out. New Neighbors can get free eggs as long as they do not bring trouble making party friends into the nieghborhood.

I'm sensing a slightly passive aggressive nature there @Compost King. :lau:lau:lau
An iPhone.
Well, excellent. You have a couple of options. This may be the easiest.

Set your phone to the timer option, at the top of the camera screen is a clock. click that and hit 10 seconds.

The means when you hit the shutter button, it is going to count down from 10 and take a burst of photos.

Next, you need a tripod. You'll put the phone in this, and then youve got ten seconds to get the candling right for the photos. It may take a little practice to find out how to use your hands, and if you're at all nervous I would practice with an egg not in the incubator first. :)

Here's the cheapest, easiest DIY tripod that I make for candling photos.

Question: Do you all hatch all year round or do you just do spring/summer/fall hatches? Just curious.

lol, Well...I keep meaning to stop hatching chicks. I'm really trying! I keep packing up the incubators and putting them away even. :lau The chickens will eventually take a break in laying come winter and I'll be forced to rest my incubators as well. After keeping my incubators running almost nonstop for 7 months this year I have a pretty good idea on the months I would like to focus on hatching next year in my climate. In the crazy hot summer here in Georgia I have a dramatically reduced hatch rate so I'm going to TRY to refocus my hatching for just Spring and Fall with the biggest focus on Spring since that's when demand is highest for chicks around me. But when someone offers me eggs or asks me to hatch something in particular for them...I just can't resist! :jumpy

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