Well, excellent. You have a couple of options. This may be the easiest.

Set your phone to the timer option, at the top of the camera screen is a clock. click that and hit 10 seconds.

The means when you hit the shutter button, it is going to count down from 10 and take a burst of photos.

Next, you need a tripod. You'll put the phone in this, and then youve got ten seconds to get the candling right for the photos. It may take a little practice to find out how to use your hands, and if you're at all nervous I would practice with an egg not in the incubator first. :)

Here's the cheapest, easiest DIY tripod that I make for candling photos.

View attachment 1882761
Thanks for that info!!! I will try that tomorrow. That will be the 10 day mark.

BTW, is there any job you can not use either a red solo cup or a 5 gallon bucket for? :lau A size available for any job. :gig
I'm sensing a slightly passive aggressive nature there @Compost King. :lau:lau:lau
Yeah there were a few shootings next door and If figured overt aggression might not go well. Drug Dealer was evicted August 1st and squatted there for another week before finally a box truck took all his stuff away. Nieghborhood back to normal. You have to make it uncomfortable for them to live there or they keep paying rent and stay forever.
Yeah there were a few shootings next door and If figured overt aggression might not go well. Drug Dealer was evicted August 1st and squatted there for another week before finally a box truck took all his stuff away. Nieghborhood back to normal. You have to make it uncomfortable for them to live there or they keep paying rent and stay forever.

:eek: Yikes! I'm glad your super sleuth stinky egg bombs did the trick then!
I just weeded out a blood ring egg and all the eggs that did not develop. Down to 52 eggs now, still 10 more than my egg turner can handle. I can't believe I am cheering for 10 more failed eggs so i can stop turning them 3 times a day... which I only did twice today because I forgot to turn them in the morning and it was well past lunch when I remembered I needed to do that. Got in a late afternoon turn and a night turn. I also have to look up pictures of Dark Cornish chicks and see if they how closely they resemble the other chicks I may have. I might need to break out the incubator cage to segregate eggs when I go into lock down.

I am about to start collecting eggs for the late September hatch, going to squeeze in 2 September hatches.
I just weeded out a blood ring egg and all the eggs that did not develop. Down to 52 eggs now, still 10 more than my egg turner can handle. I can't believe I am cheering for 10 more failed eggs so i can stop turning them 3 times a day... which I only did twice today because I forgot to turn them in the morning and it was well past lunch when I remembered I needed to do that. Got in a late afternoon turn and a night turn. I also have to look up pictures of Dark Cornish chicks and see if they how closely they resemble the other chicks I may have. I might need to break out the incubator cage to segregate eggs when I go into lock down.

I am about to start collecting eggs for the late September hatch, going to squeeze in 2 September hatches.

Maybe you need to get a second incubator like me. All of us hatch-a-holic's can do with a back-up incubator, you know... just in case! ;)
Hi there all, I've set 10 eggs under my first-time silkie mamas (they're co-brooding) to see how things go with them as brooders and chick raisers. Eggs are from friends who host a OD breeding pair and two bantam cochin hens that I hatched previously but can't keep in town with me, so (fingers crossed) a combo of ODs and mixed breeds. Hatch date should be around Labor Day; I'll be candling tomorrow night to see what's cookin'. Any words of wisdom? I've only hatched under a broody once before, and she was a bit more, um, on the ball than these two girls.
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Hi there all, I've set 10 eggs under my first-time silkie mamas (they're co-brooding) to see how things go with them as brooders and chick raisers. Eggs are from friends who host a OD breeding pair and two bantam cochin hens that I hatched previously but can't keep in town with me, so (fingers crossed) a combo of ODs and mixed breeds. Hatch date should be around Labor Day; I'll be candling tomorrow night to see what's cookin'. Any words of wisdom? I've only hatched under a broody once before, and she was a bit more, um, on the ball than these two girls.

You should come join us in the september hatch-a-long!

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