I may have 3 September hatches, when I locked up a coop tonight one of my Red Hens was sitting on one egg that was laid after afternoon collection. If she is till sitting in the nesting box tomorrow night I am going to see if she will move to broody Box coop. I am not sure if she is a NH red, Production Red or RI Red... I got a bunch of these. Might as well say I do not have a RI Red (large fowl) because none of them have that deep dark red. Best to just say I have Hatchery Reds because none of them fully look like one breed over another. Should I slip in my 10 extra eggs sitting off the side of my egg turner?

If she is truly broody and is volunteering to become your second incubator, why not? :gig
Day 13: half way there
I also think one of my eggs is a twin... either that or giant duckling. I see movement on both sides of egg rather then centred as others. It is my largest surviving egg so stay tuned for pics of that when I have a second set of hands to help get pic :confused:
I have another broody serama. She just started laying in the past month and already broody.
I've had a first time layer australorp (about a month as well) go broody 2 days ago. Problem is rooster hasn't been doing his job. So I chucked pycho broody australorp in with pycho baby making silkiexfaverolle and they are getting along swimmingly. So looks like I may have a chance at a second September hatch. And also a unique looking bunch of chicks :idunno
I've had a first time layer australorp (about a month as well) go broody 2 days ago. Problem is rooster hasn't been doing his job. So I chucked pycho broody australorp in with pycho baby making silkiexfaverolle and they are getting along swimmingly. So looks like I may have a chance at a second September hatch. And also a unique looking bunch of chicks :idunno

Is she still laying eggs? They stop laying once they're fully broody.

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