Just found a crack in one of the second batch, which is under a first-time broody silkie, outside in 100 degree weather. Debating whether to patch it with beeswax, or just leave it and hope for the best. That clutch of eggs is on Day 7. Any recommendations?

I seen someone in some thread or other here say that you can apply some of that liquid bandage over crack's in egg's, but I don't know up until how many day's in that you can do that.
Couple days before lock down, I have 50 eggs in my supposed 42 egg capacity incubator. Some are Seramas and Gold Phoenix which are smaller than usual eggs so everything should fit, its just 8 extra eggs. I installed a 2nd brooder and bought a 2nd heating plate because my current heating plate is only good enough for 20 chicks. That leaves me with 10 extra chicks fighting for heating plate space but they do not all use it at the same time so I should be good, besides not every egg becomes a chick especially with 50 of them. How am I going to afford all this chicken feed in a few months when their appetites spike? oops! I might want to sell some chicks. I will have 2 new breeds, Blue/Black/Splash Americunas (sp?) and Dark Cornish. everything else I am hatching I already have. Some will go into breeding projects and some will be sold.
Couple days before lock down, I have 50 eggs in my supposed 42 egg capacity incubator. Some are Seramas and Gold Phoenix which are smaller than usual eggs so everything should fit, its just 8 extra eggs. I installed a 2nd brooder and bought a 2nd heating plate because my current heating plate is only good enough for 20 chicks. That leaves me with 10 extra chicks fighting for heating plate space but they do not all use it at the same time so I should be good, besides not every egg becomes a chick especially with 50 of them. How am I going to afford all this chicken feed in a few months when their appetites spike? oops! I might want to sell some chicks. I will have 2 new breeds, Blue/Black/Splash Americunas (sp?) and Dark Cornish. everything else I am hatching I already have. Some will go into breeding projects and some will be sold.
Hows everyones eggys coming along? I am now down to 11 indian runners and 11 pekin. Had 4 quitters over weekend, so decided to investigate. I apparently quit earlier theb I thought. 2 I think had to do with the holes in the eggs, they just gave up. And the other... well its body was fully formed but its eyes looked like E.T and it had a unicorn horn(guessing beak) I took photos of that one but I dunno if I should share or not for the queezy.

Going into lock down, from left to right, Naked Necks lined up against the wall, next 2 layers Ayam Cemani, In the cage top Dark Cornish, lower cage Golden Phoenix, over on the right Blue Black & Splash Amerucuana (sp?) and Seramas. I am not certain what the Dark Cornish will look like and I am concerned I might confuse them with Amerucunas. I have concerns that I may possibly confuse the Phoenix with the Seramas so that's the reason for the cage. Hatch day is Sept 2nd but since I started the incubator at Midnight likely the hatch will be complete Sept 1st. Maybe one or 2 come out in August. I also went into Lock down a day early because in the past I had better hatches when I did that.

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