Tonight i'm putting 9 of my pure white bantam Silkie eggs in my incubator and 1 gold x white egg.

My whites are in higher demand than any other colours.

Then on Sunday I'll be opening the incubator back up and putting some Quail eggs in with them. As for how many I'm not sure yet.

Getting eggciting :jumpy
Can I join this party? I just put 7 Barbezieux eggs under a broody who's been sitting on golf balls for 5 days (she was a very erratic sitter for the first week first time she went broody, in April), so if all goes well some should hatch on Sept 19...

Of course, hop right in, excited to follow your hatch!

Tonight i'm putting 9 of my pure white bantam Silkie eggs in my incubator and 1 gold x white egg.

My whites are in higher demand than any other colours.

Then on Sunday I'll be opening the incubator back up and putting some Quail eggs in with them. As for how many I'm not sure yet.

Getting eggciting :jumpy

Oooo, I love silkies, cant wait to see what your hatch yields!
I have some Japanese quail chicks due about Sep 5th/6th (started them in evening). I candled yesterday and have 26 eggs still in the incubator. Though I think I'm going to need to remove a few more eggs as they looked underdeveloped, possibly dead. Just needed a break from staring at egg shadows before committing to tossing uncertain eggs.

And, I'm hoping to soon get my first chicken chicks at local feed store (actual local business). They said their supplier reported the chicks are expected to hatch out approx mid next week. Not quite the same as me hatching them, but they'll be September babies - and hopefully I can avoid ending up with cockerels. :p
A little change of plan with my eggs!

Today my pure white laid another egg so I made the decision to take out the gold x white egg and replace it with that pure white egg.

I always feel bad for making those decisions even though there was no development yet :hit

Nevermind, I'll get over it when I see the chicks hatching!

I've promised my gold pullet next time she goes broody, she can sit her eggs herself and we can eventually see what her chicks look like. Let's hope she forgives me this time!

I think I'll end up with around 3-4 Quail eggs to add into the incubator on Sunday. I have 2 at the moment but we'll have to see if my Quail carries on with her laying.
A little change of plan with my eggs!

Today my pure white laid another egg so I made the decision to take out the gold x white egg and replace it with that pure white egg.

I always feel bad for making those decisions even though there was no development yet :hit

Nevermind, I'll get over it when I see the chicks hatching!

I've promised my gold pullet next time she goes broody, she can sit her eggs herself and we can eventually see what her chicks look like. Let's hope she forgives me this time!

I think I'll end up with around 3-4 Quail eggs to add into the incubator on Sunday. I have 2 at the moment but we'll have to see if my Quail carries on with her laying.

Cool, sounds fun
Well the second time is a charm, or is that third. I sincerely hope it is the second :) not the third.

Just walked in from the post office where I picked up a shipment of Crested Cream Legbar eggs. I paid for 18 and I was sent 6 extra. So they will go into the incubator tomorrow around 9 am after candling for air cell position or damage. off top weigh them and number them for the incubation chart
Well the second time is a charm, or is that third. I sincerely hope it is the second :) not the third.

Just walked in from the post office where I picked up a shipment of Crested Cream Legbar eggs. I paid for 18 and I was sent 6 extra. So they will go into the incubator tomorrow around 9 am after candling for air cell position or damage. off top weigh them and number them for the incubation chart

Ooh i love CCLBs, best of luck to ya!
S.O.S!!! Quick! Anyone have photo of internal pip? Just doing final candle and 3 out of 11 runners have shadows that look like something in air bubble!!

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