Welp, my 6 birchen cochin eggs just came in, and 3 of them have tiny hairline cracks, and 2 of those three are "scrambled." But the other 3 just have saddled air cells, so I am not sure when I will set these, as I have to clean the bator from my BCM BA and WL hatch. And if i do that today, I can put them in there today with the turner off, until thursday, thenm plug it in. Hmm, i need to clean me a bator.

Im also setting 4-5 Silver Duckwings, a good amout of BLRWxmixed wyandotte eggs, and a few EEs, and a couple RIRxAM, not sure on all the numbers yet, but i will take a pic, and count when i set them all.
I caught my Broody Seramas off their clutches, one had hatched likely back in August, the September Broody was sitting on 25+ eggs (other hens were dropping off eggs for her). Way too many for a most hens especially a Serama. I gathered all the eggs and candled them. 10 were developing and I threw the rest out. Returned the eggs and she got back on her eggs and pecks my hand if it gets near her. She didn't like me snagging her eggs for 10 minutes to candle them. I have a battery powered Candler but its not very bright... also its a bright sunny day and when I open the door to their cage the sun shines on the nesting box. I had to take them inside to candle them. I would do it at night but she doesn't get off the nest at night.
Incubator cleaned and my 2nd incubator hatch for September is about to get started.
6 down... 14 to go
I caught my Broody Seramas off their clutches, one had hatched likely back in August, the September Broody was sitting on 25+ eggs (other hens were dropping off eggs for her). Way too many for a most hens especially a Serama. I gathered all the eggs and candled them. 10 were developing and I threw the rest out. Returned the eggs and she got back on her eggs and pecks my hand if it gets near her. She didn't like me snagging her eggs for 10 minutes to candle them. I have a battery powered Candler but its not very bright... also its a bright sunny day and when I open the door to their cage the sun shines on the nesting box. I had to take them inside to candle them. I would do it at night but she doesn't get off the nest at night.
Incubator cleaned and my 2nd incubator hatch for September is about to get started.

A serama can sit on 10 eggs?????? :eek: Thats crazy, my biggest serama hen is like still a good bit smaller than my hand! Anyway, i just got my #2 incubator cleaned, and am probably going to put the eggs that I posted up a few posts ago in there tonight without the turner on, bc the shipped cochin eggs have had a long trip, so they need to get in there right away.
A serama can sit on 10 eggs?????? :eek: Thats crazy, my biggest serama hen is like still a good bit smaller than my hand! Anyway, i just got my #2 incubator cleaned, and am probably going to put the eggs that I posted up a few posts ago in there tonight without the turner on, bc the shipped cochin eggs have had a long trip, so they need to get in there right away.
She was sitting on 25+ until I weeded out the fresh ones and infertile ones, she had her wings spread out a little too far. Small eggs though and that helps a bit.
2nd Sept Hatch (3rd if you count the Broody) is underway. First 2 Columns, Dominique, 2nd 2 Columns, Ayam cemani, 5th Column Silver Grey Dorking, 4th column Naked Necks (1/4 Red Rangers with Recessive white possibilities) ,, Hanging off the the Side as my back up eggs are 4 of my Red Ranger eggs with her half Naked Neck son. 2 silver leghorns and 2 Silver Grey dorking.

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