I think they gotta work kinks out sometimes like when starting to lay, I had one 2 failed attempts , but 3rd one was the charm, and some of the others decided going broody was the idea and they got impatient and tried helping the chicks out at 3 days. That was a nightmare 4 wanting to brood but couldn't get it figured out, haven't let any of them sit again.
I never leave in more than 12 hours.

Just ensure protection from drafts.

Of course the chick can “make it” with three days of no food and water but that doesn’t mean they should. My broody has hers out eating well before that, and every chick I pull at 12 hours is ravenously eating food. Because of that, I refuse to leave them in.

On another note, my Delawares finally arrived today.... BUT.... my Broilers are lost. There’s a small chance they could still arrive this afternoon but who knows. I hope.... meat chicks without food for three days is really not good.

One Delaware dead in the box. It also looks like the box spent a fair amount of time upside down. A literally wtf moment. HOW does that happen? There was poop all over the inside of the lid. The other 24 is high are all eating and drinking Nutri drench after their journey.
Oh man! Glad that most of your Delawares arrived safely. But... upside down??? What the...??? And lost chicks in the mail??? I feel so awful just thinking about them...:hit
I feel like it is 15 days?

I saw a study once that showed the worst time NOT to turn is days 4-7. Pretty sure it was posted here somewhere. Not turning then led to the worst hatch rates. I wonder if I can find it... I'll look.It was before I started bookmarking posts.

I always remember that specifically as I always recall it because it makes me nervous not turning shipped eggs the first few days.
Yeah. That “don’t turn shipped eggs for awhile” coinciding with the time when studies have shown eggs really need to be turned, seems so odd to me...
Yeah. That “don’t turn shipped eggs for awhile” coinciding with the time when studies have shown eggs really need to be turned, seems so odd to me...
I do 3 days on a lot of eggs that look really bad, but honestly I'm probably doing more harm than good. I think I'll only rest outside of the incubator from now on.
Just checked my Silkie eggs in my incubator and 8 out of 10 were still alive and kicking!

2 of them had started developing but one had a blood ring and the other was just two separated tiny black dots. Definitely not as developed as the others.

I also checked the 2 quail eggs and one seems like it has development but the other doesn't. It's hard to tell because they don't fit the incubator light properly. I'll chance the batteries and recheck on Sunday. I've put them both back in now just to be safe!
Update on my incubation after the no power on day 11:
Removed 1 infertile that was questionable on last, have 1 egg that not seeing movement but looks like a big red area now in the egg will check tomorrow on it, and one with a single yolk definitely looks like there are 2 babies in that one shell, all others are looking good 11 still in the incubator
Oooh... Identical twins! Good luck there!

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