well officially halfway through day 17.

So I weighed all the eggs and candled again

Removed 4 more due to deaths of embryo some time back it looks like.

I have dropped my temp from 100.0F to 99.5F and in the process of raising humidity to 70%. ( all according to note included with shipped eggs from farm )

I will remove the platen later on tonight

Now we wait. With fingers crossed that I at least get some to be able to breed my own eggs for hatching. Egg 23, which a few days ago thumped me with movement is strangely still, but the veins are still bright red at the edge that I can actually see through the shell.

This being at a High altitude looks like it sucks compared to being a few hundred feet above sea level. So much more fiddling to get things right
good luck with hatch, you'll get it figured out, took me forever at 5k altitude
Some one forgot that today is Not Wednesday.... oh right that was me so here we are a day early and lockdown has been initiated....
just 21 eggs this week with my "last " hatch scheduled for next weekend.
Almost overlapped with a trip.... who's brilliant idea was that anyway?
hard to tell but this one looks like s splash it was from last weeks hatch...
RIW aka Rhode Island White was first one out and, second one took a break and is now working on getting zipped
My RIW is by far my Favourite hen! She's outlaying the 2 Australorps who were her hatch buddies.

My lovely silkie did an egg fart on Monday, then went full broody in her empty nest box yesterday. Yes, she went broody on air. Today she was still convinced she was going to hatch air so I took her 2 eggs back out of incubator and she happily slipped them under her. Then I realised I'm running a 50 egg bator for 7 eggs, and I've already got 2 brooders packed with ducklings, so to heck with it gave her the other 7 and you wouldn't believe they all fit up under that fluff. Eggs due to hatch 28 September. Now I'm less concerned about how to explain to my husband how we ended up with baby chicks.
My RIW is by far my Favourite hen! She's outlaying the 2 Australorps who were her hatch buddies.

My lovely silkie did an egg fart on Monday, then went full broody in her empty nest box yesterday. Yes, she went broody on air. Today she was still convinced she was going to hatch air so I took her 2 eggs back out of incubator and she happily slipped them under her. Then I realised I'm running a 50 egg bator for 7 eggs, and I've already got 2 brooders packed with ducklings, so to heck with it gave her the other 7 and you wouldn't believe they all fit up under that fluff. Eggs due to hatch 28 September. Now I'm less concerned about how to explain to my husband how we ended up with baby chicks.
They just magically appeared out or now where , ya missed catching her sitting on the nest, I don't know but between pain , lack of caffiene and the ones hatching out , number 2 got into trouble she externally pipped but hadn't internally pipped way below the line, this one one outta the extra Rhode Island white rooster and a RIR, 1 more externally pipped and humidity good but as already had one get in trouble may not sleep well so coming up with enabling excuses sounded good lol
I just did candling with lock down scheduled for Friday I found 3 died... 1 for sure and 2 I kept in because I wasn't 100% sure. I also found one egg had a shatter point like something was dropped on it. I wonder if I dropped something on it and forgot. The embryo is still developing so I left it. I may have a very successful hatch with one small problem. I am running out of places to keep Chickens! Although soon I will be processing some of my Dorking Project culls. Someone will be buying my Dominques (I believe I have 13 of those) I also have 7 Pure bred Dorkings... that have a 90% Mortality rate which explains why I have a Dorking project where I cross them then breed the crosses back to the pure bred Dorkings. I also have 7 Naked Necks and many of them will be culls and eaten.

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