I avoid shrink wrapping by not opening the Incubator until all (or most) have hatched. Usually some late hatchers get shrink wrapped and I have to hand hatch them. I am on day 17 going into day 18 I guess I can say it was the start of day 18. My current temp reading is 97 degrees but it will reach 99 degrees when I wake up in the morning. The water I added is acting as a heat sink right now. My Humidity is 71%.
Maybe the looming motherhood is getting to her.. came back from an outing to find 3 out of 4 knocked out this time as she'd gotten up to go toilet She's still sitting one .. the other three haven't cooled all the way yet. It's her first time hatching so maybe that's to blame.
Don't know what to do now. I could try to cobble together an incubator from reptile parts, but not sure if it's worth it with them being so disturbed.
so tempted my broody to stand up briefly this morning and discovered she has 4 chicks and 2 eggs; hopefully the latter will hatch during the day because the 4 already out are clearly quite keen to get moving, and the broody wants to stay put, at least for now... :fl

It's exhausting wiggling out of a tight confine.

Woke up at 10 to 3 for some odd reason and looked over and spotted this.

Several eggs that were rocking violently yesterday had stopped moving by bedtime and I was concerned, but this morning I have noticed they have pipped. An hour and a half later, I think it is a girl, nice chipmunk stripes developing as she dries.
Eve has abandoned the 2 remaining eggs and brought the chicks out to enjoy the sunshine and the bugs

:love If the different eye markings are related to gender, looks like we have at least one of each gender :ya Next challenge is getting them back up the ramp to bed tonight... it took her last clutch 3 days to work it out:barnie
Eggtopsy showed that one DIS :( and the other never developed at all.
Eve has abandoned the 2 remaining eggs and brought the chicks out to enjoy the sunshine and the bugs View attachment 1913110
:love If the different eye markings are related to gender, looks like we have at least one of each gender :ya Next challenge is getting them back up the ramp to bed tonight... it took her last clutch 3 days to work it out:barnie
Eggtopsy showed that one DIS :( and the other never developed at all.
they sure are cute, congratulations on your hatch

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