View attachment 1913091
It's exhausting wiggling out of a tight confine.

Woke up at 10 to 3 for some odd reason and looked over and spotted this.

Several eggs that were rocking violently yesterday had stopped moving by bedtime and I was concerned, but this morning I have noticed they have pipped. An hour and a half later, I think it is a girl, nice chipmunk stripes developing as she dries.
the fun starts, one thing I do is put paper towel down before setting the eggs helps so they don't accidentally slip, have treated a lot less splayed leg since doing that
Maybe the looming motherhood is getting to her.. came back from an outing to find 3 out of 4 knocked out this time as she'd gotten up to go toilet She's still sitting one .. the other three haven't cooled all the way yet. It's her first time hatching so maybe that's to blame.
Don't know what to do now. I could try to cobble together an incubator from reptile parts, but not sure if it's worth it with them being so disturbed.
if all else fail, if you have a crock pot you can use that if you can use it for a brooder
Those are Rhode Island white chicks a heritage breed that is on threatened list, might be a couple Ambers only the brown eggs hatched and one of the RIW roosters was out with the Rhode Island Reds. The one I thought might have Wry neck may have been due to a slipped tendon and kinked neck was up walking fine and looking good this morning

Oh nice, I don't think I've ever seen them before!

I'm glad the chick is alright though and doing well :)
This morning 5 eggs had pipped but I had to leave for work :barnie

My Mam is keeping me updated and apparently there is 2 chicks out now, one white and one 'brown'...

Looks like I mixed up one egg.

It's either from a partridge or gold but I can't tell from photos I've been sent. I'll have a look when I get home!

The photos aren't great but it's the best my Mam could take.


if all else fail, if you have a crock pot you can use that if you can use it for a brooder
I decided not to touch her for lockdown and I think she did it while getting up to relieve herself... She has them all under her at the moment, but not sure if they're alive. No noises coming from them and couldn't see any movement. I've made them hard for her to kick out with a soft xs pet bed which has a lip.
She won't be able to kick them now unless it's intentional.
Cute chicks! BTW, you wrote - are you Welsh?


I eventually got home to find out that 'brown' chick is actually white! It just hatched very dark and isn't the super bright yellow my Mam expected. Phew...panic over :gig

So far 3 white silkies have hatched and all of the remaining are beginning to zip.

The quail was the first to pip but it's really struggling to hatch any further. It is still alive and moving its beak but it looks awful dark and almost bloody looking in the hole it's made.

I'm not opening my incubator at this stage but we will see how it goes! :fl

Oh and nope, I'm northern! I've never been to Wales before. The farthest south I've been is to Dover to get on a ferry to France.
'brown' chick is actually white
that's a surprise! good luck with the rest of the hatch :fl

my broody and chicks are spending the night out, as the chicks couldn't get up the ramp. She only showed them twice before abandoning the project - perhaps she remembers last time: It took her last brood 3 days to figure out the ramp; I do hope it goes quicker this time. But back in May she let me pick up her and her chicks; not this time... :( and worse, she would not let me near them - came flying and screaming at me all feet and feathers, every time I tried to scoop her and them up to put them in the coop at dusk :barnie. Eventually I managed to confine them under the trampoline with temporary netting, and put in two boxes to choose from if they prefer closer confinement; hoping the forecast is right and it stays dry and warmish (15 C) tonight - and the fox stays away :fl
what a time for the power to go out.

So I am in town, half an hour away, Mom is home alone, feeling well enough after open heart surgery for me to go do a serious supply run. and she calls me because she had to switch over to her tanked oxygen because the power has been off for the past hour.

so all in total the power was off about an hour and a half.

I had 3 chicks well and dry and was going to place them in the brooder when number 4 slipped its shell and had a chance to dry. giving the others a break as they were being jostled quite a bit. the 3 in the brooder are all napping directly under the heat lamp (reptile bulb) have had a drink and food scattered around them.

number 4 which I expected to be out when I got home looks like this

While the egg moves slightly, the mouth look stuck open. looks like it got stuck to the shell

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