thanks. I too avoid prophylactic medication; there's a big push to do so here - especially with farm animals - because of growing antibiotic resistance. As long as I get one pullet from this clutch I'll be happy, as all I really wanted was a white egg layer and to help a rare breed!
My incubator is a Little Giant styrofoam one also. It's been good to me so far. I'm not going to be hatching any egg's for Sept. I'll be taking a break, and watching what my Aug. hatch grow-out's turn out to be.
I have two broody sitting on a total of 17 eggs. One is due some time this week and the other some time next week. I left for a week vacation and the girl in charge of collecting the eggs was scared of the little rooster, when I came back they were about 5-6 days into the incubation and I couldn’t just take them from them
O MY GOODNESS, i cant believe i havent told yall this, i have two brrodys, 1 silver duckwing OEGB, and a serama, theyre both on probably oh, 5-7 eggs, and the hatch day, i forgot, im out of town rn, so ill have to check that out when i get back. But i also have mutts hatching this week!
Mine are 10 mutts. Dutch silver Sebright mix. I can’t wait to see what I’m going to get
I have a few chicks that hatched overnight, but I have a white chick (possible red because its hard to see in there) that I should not have. Only my Naked Necks should be coming out Red or White and this chick is not a naked neck..,. Wrong Rooster getting into a pen? Mislabled Egg? Mutation? who knows! I would bet on mislabeled egg because I tend to be very disorganized. Now I need to worry about the hatching eggs I sold last Saturday at Carolina Chicken Stock.
Mine are 10 mutts. Dutch silver Sebright mix. I can’t wait to see what I’m going to get

Me too!
I have a few chicks that hatched overnight, but I have a white chick (possible red because its hard to see in there) that I should not have. Only my Naked Necks should be coming out Red or White and this chick is not a naked neck..,. Wrong Rooster getting into a pen? Mislabled Egg? Mutation? who knows! I would bet on mislabeled egg because I tend to be very disorganized. Now I need to worry about the hatching eggs I sold last Saturday at Carolina Chicken Stock.
Huh, that is strange.

I can't tell if he is red or white just yet because the lighting is crappy. I can't tell what egg he came from either. But any White or Red birds should be naked necks. Its possible that 25% are Bowtie Naked Necks and maybe he is just keeping his naked neck hidden. Modest little fellow!

This guy has his face blocked out because he is mooning us! actually there is a smudge of something on the viewing glass. Its either a Dominique or an Ayam cemani that needs to be culled. It would be the worst Ayam cemani I ever hatched if it is. I thought the white dot was supposed to be in the head and not the butt if it's a dominique. If I named my chickens I would name this one Butthead. Its still early, in 24 hours this place is going to be crowded. 45 eggs in a 42 capacity Incubator.

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