Set Eggs 07-02-11 Anyone else

Of the remaining 4 in the incubator, 3 have broken through the shell and are being noisy, but not going anywhere. I am not concerned as there is plenty of water for the humidity and the membranes look fine. The other one is scratching and I can tell it is starting to pip internally. So now we play the waiting game. I should have at least 3 more by morning and all 4 by tomorrow after noon! Then there is 1 that we set 3 days later, so another should be hatching on Saturday or Sunday! This is way fun!!

Congratulations on those who have already hatched and Good Luck to the rest!!!
Last night the worrisome chick that was chipping off the eggshell, but not breaking through the membrane started struggling. It was trying to zip, and the egg was falling apart, but the membrane just wouldn't break. It was thick and very white. I've never seen that happen before. So I took an eye dropper and through one of the vents dropped just a couple drops of warm water onto the exposed membrane. Not 2 minutes later popped out the cutest half-polish chick with a fancy mohawk. While I was sleeping 2 more mohawk chick hatched. That brings me up to 8 so far, with 7 left in the bator. 2 are rocking but no more pips yet. I moved the dry ones to the brooder this morning. I'll take pics when my hatch is finished.

I am now a huge fan of hatching mutts. You just never know what you're going to get!
My girl has a three little chicks peaking out of her feathers !
I'm so happy for her. Congadulations to everyone with babies.
In the amount of time it took me to walk by the incubator, and into the restroom. I hear the boys "Dad this one has a hole in it" by the time i got out of the restroom one was all ready out, and another one piped.
I have one left to hatch. I am worried about the humidity having been messed taking the others out and turning the eggs that are due to hatch in 2 weeks. I can still hear it chirping over there, so I am going to give it more time. I figure now it is the last one and it will be fine if I can just force myself to leave it alone. I think the others started to shrink wrap because we had to open the bator after they externally pipped. I hope the little one makes it.

My daughter is very excited about her babies. We have 5 out and of those 3 are fluffy. So far all have taken the naked neck gene except 1.

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