Set eggs today Saturday 2/22 - anyone else?

Ok just went into (semi) lockdown but I have a second set that I will have to hand turn because I only have one bator. I can't wait until Saturday..... our eggs are a wide mix of breeds, so it will be fun to see what they look like once they start feathering. I have two roosters a Russian Orloff and one of his offspring that is a mix. My hens are Red Star, SLW, Ameracauna, Russian Orloff, Black Austalorp, BR, SS, Salmon Faverolle, White Silkie, Crested Polish and some mutts. I just love my girls and this is worse than waiting on Christmas.
I keep looking at the eggs as if I can will them to hatch.... lol.

Thanks again to those who gave me info about the direction of my eggs in the turner. You helped save my hatch.
That's great!

I just candled a few of mine one last time (earlier it was a little light and this was in pitch darkness) and still didn't see movement in most of the eggs. I'm a little concerned but hopeful that they're just packed in there pretty tight at this point. Lockdown is planned for tomorrow morning.
I have to take pictures of my incubator ....only 2 rails on my turner. Hubby removed. 6 for me they do pop out. I had shipped eggs come a week early , real ameracauna and swedish duck eggs. So I have a. Small basket for the ones that will be hatching. 2 egg cartons with shipped eggs. 4 duck eggs and 2 dorking eggs that need turned. It will clear out soon. After the hatch 2 rails go back in . I am willing to trade dorking eggs for cayuga duck eggs, blue or black copper maran,delaware, and maybe bantams depending pm me maybe we could do an egg swap.
Well I have one pipped and another egg rocking away. Hearing the peep has made it so exciting, but I wasn't expecting them to hatch until Saturday. I got these eggs from my sister-in-law, so can't wait to see. I have to admit that patience is not my virtue.
My chickies are hatching!!!!

started yesterday - have about 20 so far.
I am wondering why they were 36 hours early....

still have a lot more to go... here are some pics from last night!

Wow! Very cool to see everybody's chicks hatching. Mine are on day 20 but I don't see any pips yet. Usually mine start hatching on day 20, but this time I had a slow start with getting them up to temp and I had the power outage during the ice storm. I'll probably walk holes in the floor checking on them today.

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