Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

I know, I was back and forth between the incubator and my chores all evening because I had a temperature spike of 101-very short lived, but enough to have me pulling my hair out!

You will LOVE the Australorps-they are wonderful. I also have 2 SLW hens that at first, were a bit standoffish, but now hang around me and follow me when I'm outside.
Much good luck on your hatch and get some rest or it's going to be a long 21 days for you!
I've been popping in here every day reading the posts. You got quite a few poeple here too! Great!

chickenlady81 I got that same bator going too! Packed full too!

technodoll Your humidity I think is fine. If it was around 70% I would take out all the water. I had a problem with it in the beginning too. The instructions tell you fill the resevior at the bottom in the beginnning before adding the eggs and I did. Well- I had humidity in the 70s. I didn't like that for the beginning. Reading on here all the experiences with high humidity in the beginning, they had low hatch rates. You I dumped out ALL the water and now my humidity is right around 40% and a little higher. I like that much better. At day 18, I will see where my humidity is at. I probably will fill the water back up at that time to raise the humidity to 70s %, if it doesn't go up itself.

How's everyone else doing? I sooooo want to candle it's crazy. I can only candle one egg. That is the one that is under my broody hen. She had 2 eggs. One good, one bad. I tossed the bad and now the good has about 6 days left. When I candle it, it 'waves' at us. My 10yr thought that was really cool. He's never seen anything like that before.
I keep telling myself-NO MORE eggs in the incubator right now, darn it! Every time I pick up one of those Silver Lakenvelder eggs, I am going to want to stick it in the incubator. MUST NOT ADD ANY MORE EGGS!
Good Morning to all, hope everything is going well for everyone. I added 3 more eggs to the bator yesterday, so now we are up to 9 RIR/Aussie and Australorp eggs and 5 Annaconnas 2 OEG Bantams(will be added tomarrow. Total of 16 to hatch on the 24th. Did have to switch to hand turning these eggs d/t the turner is messed up. Oh well still should be a lot of fun. Good Luck to all.
JUST GOT MY EGGS! GOing to let them sit for an hour or so and in the bator they go! Unfortunately, the Ameracauna's didn't produce very many...just two, but I got them anyways! How wonderful!!!

That's where I'm trying to keep mine is between 52-53%. Temp holding steady at 99

3chickens and Equine-good luck!

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