Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

You sound like me the first time .
I watched mine so much, I think they were shy when they hatched!!
Good luck!!

Well temps is holding between 99-100 and humidity is doing well at 41-43%. Trying to remember to turn them is hard, guessing I will get in the pattern soon. Hoping everyone is doing well and welcome to all the new hatchers.
Can I join in.. Brand new to hatching and I think we are expecting 25th to be the due date. Had a few mess ups (issues with humidity, temps fluctuating between 98-101, and no setting time before putting them in the incubator from delivery in the box; I hadn't read anything that told me to do so until after I placed them.. but I didn't see any condensation on the eggs so I'm hoping I didn't totally screw them up) so far, but hoping that since nature isn't perfect then my brand new hatching skills don't have to be either... *fingers crossed*.

We are using a hovabator 1583 with an automatic turner and I have 35 Special Assorted eggs from McMurray's Hatchery online . I'm really hoping we have so rare breeds in the eggs so my kids can see the different types of chicks! We've got white, green, tan (and some other slight varriations in color) eggs. So I'm sure we'll at least have a variety, if they all can survive my non-hatching skills.
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OK, nobody told me about this part. I went to collect eggs this morning and instead of seeing breakfast, lunch, or dinner, I saw 8 possible additions to my flock. It took me a few, but I got it settled, tasted dang good. The learning curve on a first hatch has been interesting.

Hope all is well with you and yours.
Sounds like my story. I built an incubator last week and now I am collecting some mutt eggs just to see if I can make this work. Crazy, since I already have more eggs than I can eat and I refuse to butcher and eat any of the birds, just to darn much work. But I do like the birds, they are so much fun to watch. Certainly an addiction. Good luck with your hatch.

I see you are in Red Bluff...I am in Anderson, so howdy neighbor.

Welcome all new hatching buddies!
Well, my hatch may be over, won't know til I candle in a few days.
I woke up about 6:30 yesterday morning and my temp was at 104-I have no idea how long it had been like that. It was fine around midnight when I went to bed.
Just have to wait and see, I guess.
Hope it's going well for the rest of you!
Hopefully all will turn out well, I have read several posts on here with high temps one as high as 109 for a few hours and most of them still hatch. Keep your chin up, Good LUCK!
AHHHHH... I am only on Day 3. This is taking forever
I have never really been the patient one, but I am trying. I candled a couple yesterday and they all had the dark circle. I am now going to wait until day 5 to see if there is anything more interesting.

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