Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

Well, I just added another egg to the 'bator tonight for a grand total of 30...

I'm not too confident many of the eggs are fertile as I just cracked 13 tonight for dinner (made quiches!) and only 2 had the bullseye...

Guess we'll wait and see.
I'll be joining you...getting ready to put 11 Black Tail Buff Japanese bantams and 5 Americanas in the incubator. Using a Hovabator still air. This will be my second hatch and the first failed. Think some were infertile as only one chick developed.
Hoping to do better this time. Got the humidity around 50 degrees and the temp at 101 with the digital hygrometer on top of a section of egg carton next to the eggs...if I put it on top of the eggs it topples when the turner moves sometimes. Have regular thermometer ready to set on top of eggs...
Good luck everyone...hatch day March 25th
LOL while I was collecting eggs, I decided to stick 2 Silver Lakenvelder eggs in the incubator since I had it running! Good luck with your additional egg!
Mines Chuck full so I cant add any more to it!
Here they all are in my bedroom on the desk, temps holding nicely and humidity is at 45% Good Luck everyone, Im going to post when I check them in 7 days!

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OK am I drowning my eggs with humidity???

The instructions say 57% (86 on the hygrometer wet bulb) until day 18 - are they wrong???

I'm in! Well, mine are due to hatch on the 17th. Can I still join? I'm waiting on a new flashlight so I can candle them(ordered from ebay). I have 19 eggs in the bator now. ( 5 RSL, 8 SLW, and 6 Jersey Giants) I have a rebuilt GQF 1502 with the automatic waterer. I'm doing the dry incubation. This is my second time hatching. I have 17 6wk olds in my garage right now. I'm hoping to get a dozen BLR Wynadottes this weekend from livinzoo on here. Hope you all are doing good!
I dont think you are, I like to keep mine on the low side, sometimes I dont even add water to the bator until lockdown.
A friend did the same thing and got alot of sucessful hatches.
I'll be a hatch buddy, too! I set eggs this morning -- 6 Australorp, 8 Mille Fleur d'Uccle, 6 BLRW, 8 golden laced Polish from my own flock, + 12 guinea eggs set 3 days ago b/c they take 24 days to hatch.

This is my 2nd hatch ever. On Feb. 16 I had 30 of 34 eggs hatch. Hope this one goes as well as that one!!
Oh boy!!! People told me that chickens were addicting but I really didn't believe them. It's 5am, can't sleep and I have increased my egg order last night!!! AHHHHHH So, now I am getting:

13 - Australorps
13 - Silver Laced Wyandottes
4 - Ameracauna

I wish I could get more of the Ameracuana, but I didn't give that much notice. You guys...this is so eggsiting, I can't believe it. I am going to be a Momma Hen.

Hatch Day: March 26th! WHOOT WHOOT!!!

K...I'm going to try and sleep now!

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