Set my very first eggs today (due March 24th) - need a hatching buddy!

99-100 degrees, 45-55% hum. so far so good.

I keep talking to them, maybe a little early to expect an answer ???

Hope all is well with all of yours.
I want some Mille Fleurs so bad-I must be stopped! My husband said we are going to have Chicken Shanty Town here if I don't stop with the different breeds. I sure hope your hatch goes well! Where in Texas are you?
If they were shipped, you should wait at the minium 6 hours to settle. They recommend more closer to 24-48 hours.
I just had another panic moment with a spike of 101-third one, I sure hope this doesn't continue or I'll need fake nails at the end of this hatch!

Glad all is holding steady with yours! Maybe I need to talk to my INCUBATOR(or threaten it-one of the two)!
I'm getting constant spikes to 101 and 102, then dips to 98 and 99... but on the average i think about 100F.

Funny though, I'm not worried... in nature there is NO WAY momma hen keeps a precise temp on all eggs all the time. Yet chicks still hatch, so they must be tougher than we give them credit

ps: as long as the eggs are fertile and have good strong genetics, of course!
Im incubating 4 this time. Couldnt add more because I could only collect them on my days off so they wouldnt be cold.
By the time I get home after work, they are pretty frozen,
so on my days off, Im out there every hour or so.
Unfortunately, I also sell them so I could only keep four.
Next time, though, I have a freind who has alot more chickens than I do and will give me as many as I want<g>.
Mine are due to hatch the 21st.
Im using a LG that I got at TSC and I hatched out the only two eggs I put in it last time, so now Im doubling<g>
Im thinking of getting a Hovabator 2362 I believe is the model.
Anywho, lets cheer on the little fluffy chickies!!!

Just put my eggs in
8 black oegb's and 2 dozen Marans

I do dry hatches never add a drop of water till day 18 works for me in Florida with our humidity
I'm getting a late start to the thread but I started around the same time as everyone else. 36 eggs went into the bator Tuesday evening making my due date the 23rd I believe. This is also my 1st hatch! Good luck everyone!
Got some orpingtons hatching on March 24th too. I also have some due today so we will see. I havent seen any pipping yet, just movement, and if staring could get them to pip, they would all have hacthed. Having a baby was easier than this. LOL

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