Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

17 of 21 out of the last set. All look good and are exploring the new brooder. Time to clean out the cooler bator and move the next set of eggs to lockdown :) My cam on my phone is cooked so ill get the wifey to take some pics tonight :)
Ok yall win, Ill make a never ending hatching thread tonight lol :)
Wont that be like putting alcoholics in a distillery? LOL Never ending hatch... SCAREY ...been on here in the hatch thread since. May ..June ? as it is OMG now its almost Jan and iPLAN to hatch a lot as soon as my girls start to lay.... and they are CLOSE... Wonder how many hours until your bator burns up?
if you start one send me a link in a private message to it :) I would love to join. although so far november hatch failed, this months didn't look good. Hoping to start the new year with some babies.
Here is the thread... i hope!!!

Did you change something in the way you hatch this time.?
Honestly if they were shipped...they are so hit and miss.
I have had 4 failed hatches from shipped but 9 or 10 that i got a few chicken Only one did I get over 50% hatch though 10 of 14 eggs!I was shocked...
...most are about 25-30%
Last bust all the eggs were infertile or didnt start to grow one or the other so shipping ? breeder? hard to say

There are just so many variables with hatching and get shipped you are adding another layer to that.
BUT positive i have some reall y nice chickens now
GREAT breeds and colors. so even if i only got a few its more than i would find near me to buy so i buy shipped a LOT!
GOOD LUCK this time.!!
SHIPPED EGGS......Just saw a piece on the news about packages shipping from the post office.....BUSY Xmas shipping day etc...
i CRINGED watching the boxes go down the shoots end over end ...tumbling all ove...r not sliding

.One box looked just like my eggs which ARE on their way and the piece was taken at that SAME facility my eggs were AT yesterday... I KNOW they were mine!!!

OH my POOR little egglets
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SHIPPED EGGS......Just saw a piece on the news about packages shipping from the post office.....BUSY Xmas shipping day etc...
i CRINGED watching the boxes go down the shoots end over end ...tumbling all ove...r not sliding

.One box looked just like my eggs which ARE on their way and the piece was taken at that SAME facility my eggs were AT yesterday... I KNOW they were mine!!!

OH my POOR little egglets
I just seen that too I was like hello nobodys reading fragile on the side!

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