~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

Yours just starting? I've been dreaming of fuzzy butts every since I candled on day 10. LOL! Don't judge me, it's my first time.
...and it's done!

28 eggs looking good!

I have 8 that look sketchy and I don't have much faith in, BUT since they weren't stinky - I put them in the corner to see what happens and if I get 1 out of those 8 awesome, but I hope those other 28 are all ready to start crackin' come Wednesday!

Even got my brooder all cleaned out and cozy... now the wait!
Yikes, I have a pip. This Tuesday would be 21 days so this makes them only 19 days. Should I worry?

I also see two other eggs moving and hear chirps coming from the bator.
I dearly hate it when the pip winds up on the bottom... if I don't check all the eggs every few hours, I wind up with dead chicks. *sigh* But so far I have 6 living chicks from the first Silkies & Sizzles batch, with the second batch on Day 19. Pictures tomorrow!

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