Setting Duck Eggs 4/4, anyone else with me?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
River Valley, Arkansas
This is my first time incubating. We are putting in 11 duck eggs tonight. Looking for them to hatch on 5/2. Not quite sure what their breed is. I know the drake is a Mallard, but that's it. Wish us luck ( my 9 year old daughter and I). I'm hoping for a successful hatch. I am so nervous.
I set the eggs late last night (12:30am) or early this morning, whichever you prefer to say. When I checked on them at 5 the temp was 94.7. I know that the eggs brought the temp down, but how long does it take for the temp to go back up? Is it okay that they were at a low temp for so long? I had to leave for work this morning and the temp had rose to 97. Also, when I opened the bator this morning there was a metallic like smell. I'm not sure how to really describe it, is that normal?
I set 8 Rouen eggs last night & will be setting Pekins, Runners & Calls tonight or tomorrow after I candle & make room in the bators. I have staggered hatches going in 3 bators right now & am running out of room.
Oh Wow! This is my first time to hatch. I have been reading and researching like crazy. I hope I have done everything right and we get some ducklings in 28 days. I am going to set more next week in the classroom incubator that we made a couple days ago. I am a high school special ed teacher and my students are so excited about this project. I am going to borrow the ag classes candler on Monday and candle our eggs here at home. Do you think we will be able to see any veins?
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Oh Wow! This is my first time to hatch. I have been reading and researching like crazy. I hope I have done everything right and we get some ducklings in 28 days. I am going to set more next week in the classroom incubator that we made a couple days ago. I am a high school special ed teacher and my students are so excited about this project. I am going to borrow the ag classes candler on Monday and candle our eggs here at home. Do you think we will be able to see any veins?
If you do not already have eggs lined up for this I would be willing to donate some for the cost of shipping them. I have been getting about 10 duck eggs per day & can't use them all. Pekins & Indian Runners. Just let me know if you want some.

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