Setting eggs 11-13 anyone else

Ohhhhh those pictures are so cute! I just love little chickies!!!! Its so hard to believe I have 10 more days to wait! The days just drag on and on and on! LOL
Dont Worry Brooder, those 10 days will fly by.
Ok......So final count is 8. 5 duds???? Had to resue #8 about a 1/2 hour ago. Poor little buggers been struggling to break out since Wed. night. Thank goodness for this website, got all my info on how to do it.
Eight is great. Were these shipped or from your flock?

I candled yesterday and pulled the clear Frizzle Cochin and of the 5 left 4are progressing well, 1 seems to be lagging in development, it still has a good bit of yolk visiable. I not giving up on it yet. Of the silkie eggs none of them got a good start.

Lockdown in 4 days.
What do all you others see when you candle your eggs? Mine are almost all black now, its very hard to see the chicks except in my lone white egg. They aren't moving as much either, maybe because space is now limited? Anyways, 9/10 eggs have made it so far!
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I'm on day 10 with 15 Silkie eggs in the bator. I candled them yesterday and 3 are complete duds. Not sure what I am looking at with some of the others. Some look pretty dark and others look a few days immature. Some of the immature ones were moving, so I will just keep watching. This is very exciting. My daughter is getting the biggest kick out of watching the eggs progress!

I also have 3 under the hen just for kicks. 1 is clear and the other two look fantastic. I'm betting Mother Nature knows what she is doing better than I do!! haha!
@ greeneacre...yes ,egg were from my sermamas. Started with 18, 9 from each hen. I was letting them lay, hoped that they would sit on them, but they didn't. The eggs spent quite a few nights outside in the high 30s. I took a chance with them, stuck them in the incubator, locked down with 13 and got 8.

Good luck on your hatch....
Lockdown day & second/last candling. I candled all 14 again just to be sure. Above calculations were correct so I removed the ones that were no good. Out of the 5 remaining I am certain 2 were quitters, but left them in just to be sure.
So waiting now to see how many of the 3 hatch

How is everyone's going?
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