Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

He/She hatched early this morning!!!!

Will upload pictures as soon as my phone charges!!!

No other pips, but i'm waiting....not so patiently....


What breed again? I've forgotten. :) CONGRATS!!!
congrats!! so cute...I hatched 3 yesterday then heard peeping this morning from one of the other eggs, so I now how excited you are and how hard it is to ...wait!!...patience may be a virtue but it's so hard!!
so I'm using 2 incubators... the few that I have in the brinsea mini I'm concerned about the air cell not being big enough... I think they are alive even though I don't see much movement. could it be they are just larger? I have not tracked humidity on this one as I was using this as an experiment between the 2 bators. should I maybe decrease the humidity? Lock down is Tuesday.

The other bator is doing well and I can see movement in several eggs so nonetheless I'm excited :0)

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