Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

I set my eggs on July 15, Candled the ones I didn't think were developing again tonight. Sure enough they are not. Removed 9 of the 14 eggs. Tomorrow is trash day, So I wanted to get them in the trash before they started stinking. One looked like a day 3 stopper, 2 others had blood rings, the other 6 had nothing. I hope to get at least one rooster and one hen out of this batch. These are suppose to be full blooded Rhode Island Whites. I didn't think air chamber was big enough for day 9, so I removed water to drop humidity. It is 35% now, was staying around 46 to 51% with small pan of water. I will candle one on Day 13 to see how air chamber is looking. May leave pan out till day 18.
Doing dry hatches in both bators. Reptipro stays around 35 to 45% and 1588 stays right at 25% I am much happier with my air cells at 25%. They are all perfect and uniform. The higher humidity ones all have different looking air cells. They are all acceptable but prefer the ones in the Hovabator. We will see what hatches better or if it even makes a difference.
Just catching up once again. Man, life has been crazy!!!!

My very good friend's daughter has a very rare strep A infection that has her fighting for her life, she will be 3 next month and it is just crazy. I'm not a religious person but I do believe in the power of prayer and ask you all to please say a little prayer for this sweet little girl, Hailey.

Between work, worrying, trying to help out when I can and life on the farm I'm exhausted lately. Life can be so unfair.

But I'm glad to see everyone candling and enjoying their animals. Great pics Junkinstuff! Love seeing every ones pride and joys!!

I've got a few days off and a list a mile long of things that I need to do, blah...... I'm hoping to move the SFs into the big coop over the next few days, got a little work to do first. Then the younger birds will all graduate to bigger pens until I get the permanent housing finished before winter.

I wanted to hold onto the 6 LBs hatched 7-10 but got a call for some yesterday so they are sold and leaving this morning. Love that word of mouth has started getting around and folks are calling looking for chicks!

Everything in the bators look good so far. I need to take a peek/candle them sometime soon. I still haven't looked at the Guinea eggs yet.

But loved the pics so much I thought I too would share some of my other animals. Here are my 2 redheads, Mae and Ruby.

I set 24 marans eggs on July 13th. 14 went under a broody and 10 are in the incubator. This is my first attempt at hatching eggs in a incubator and first time hatching marans all together. These eggs traveled very far (other end of the country) and I am just hopeful that I get a few out of it all. The eggs are so dark and really hard to see through- but I managed to see development in 3 that are in the incubator when I candled on day 9. Really exciting.... but nerve racking at the same time.
So just candled my duck eggs, out of 11- 1 looks like a quiter and 1- looks like a dud ( day 11) as for my silkieshowgirls out of 18 i can see viens on one but barely ugh.... Hope its my light being too dull( batteries are low) and it being too early.... Gonna wait til day 8or 10 ...

Hope everyone else is doing better...
Oooooh I have Marans cooking also. Cuckoo Marans here. What flavor ya got going. I have really dark 7 on the Marans scale eggs. I can't believe how dark they are for so late in the laying season. They did stop laying because of the heat and started a couple of days before I set eggs. So maybe that had something to do with it. 2 of my eggs are Black Marans over Cuckoo Marans. So I am curious to see how they turn out.
I ordered a 220 lumens flashlight from amazon for $20 w/ free shipping. My other flashlight died the other day and tomorrow is my candling day of my free SFH eggs. So of course that would mean I need a new flashlight. Can't wait to get my new light for candling!!!
Yeah im real mercous, i got new batteries, rechecked and saw faint viens in more then one of my silkie eggs... But still real hard to tell, but my duck eggs minus the 2 i had to take out , i saw movement ! I wish i could have captured it seriously the coolest thing... Ugh i just hope they all make it to hatch day with out losing anymore.... Same goes for my silke eggs.. Gonna be completely freaking till day 8 when i recheck the silkie eggs....

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