Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

I have eggs coming in on Friday and will be setting Sat morning, can I join? I leave them at least 24 hours before putting in the bater. Silver and Gold Laced Brahmas. These are replacement eggs for a batch that got banged up in shipping. My egg guy is the best!
OOOHHHH!!! I love me some Brahmas!! Something about those little feathered feet... Haven't met a feather footed i didnt like!! Might need the name of your egg guy!! lol
yeah, detached air cells make me nervous too, non of mine with detached air cells hatched last batch.
Don't say that!!
This might be my only chance at silkies this year!!
Someone was nice enough to have theirs sent to me in an egg swap room and I don't have nothing to trade (wow that was awesome English right there!!) so if I don't get some of these I will have to wait till next year!!
Good hatch vibes,
Good hatch vibes,
lol let's see what the power of positive thinking can do...
Hi all,

I set my variety batch just now. All upright this time round to let the air sac reattach after shipping (they were left to settle first). Some of the eggs were freshly laid a few days ago, some are around 5 days old, and some are a month old having been leftover from a previous batch, but I thought what the heck give them a try.

I have set 13 eggs which include jersey giant, buff orpington, bantam chocolate orpington, lavender sabelpoot, bantam silver laced wyandotte, sicilian buttercup, maran, croad langshan bantam, plus some mystery eggs which could include any of the following: sussex, la fleche, faverolles, warren, silkies, dutch bantam, pekins or polish x. Some were not labelled by the breeder before shopping so are my mystery eggs.

I am working on the law of probabilities. I hope to get at least 50% hatch success, of which I hope that no more than 50% will be males, leaving me with 3 lovely lady hens to add to my flock of 3. I wonder if it will turn out this way?

I really want a JG and a SLW and my son really wants a buff orp. But... the maran egg is so gorgeously dark chocolate brown that I want to keep that chick if it is a hen, and the langshan will be so beetly beautiful... and if I get a silkie I will have a fabulous natural fluffball incubator....There I go getting carried away again, lol.

I am so looking forward to seeing what hatches!
wow!! That is quite the list you got going there!! You are going to have one beautiful flock... I wish someone had a picture of a lavender... anything!! I tried looking them up online and can't find a pic of a lavender anything!!! Good luck with your hatch!!
ok everyone, I have talked long enough, have to head out for the day
would rather sit here and talk everyone's ears off and stare at my tiny silkies eggs (that are gonna magically reattach the air cells
) but alas, my mother awaits my help at her home... Glad to have everyone on board and Good luck everyone!! Happy Hatching!!
Don't say that!!
This might be my only chance at silkies this year!!
Someone was nice enough to have theirs sent to me in an egg swap room and I don't have nothing to trade (wow that was awesome English right there!!) so if I don't get some of these I will have to wait till next year!!
Good hatch vibes,
Good hatch vibes,
lol let's see what the power of positive thinking can do...
Well my last batch of eggs did sit at the post office over the weekend when they were first shipped, then they sat at the post office here an extra day because my driver forgot them, considering only 5 out of 12 made it to lockdown, it was probably something more related to that. Good hatch vibes to you!! (they need a smiley with a magic wand!)
ok everyone, I have talked long enough, have to head out for the day
would rather sit here and talk everyone's ears off and stare at my tiny silkies eggs (that are gonna magically reattach the air cells
) but alas, my mother awaits my help at her home... Glad to have everyone on board and Good luck everyone!! Happy Hatching!!
Bleh, I totally spend too much time on here to. I'm gonna have to put my computer down here in a bit and CLEAN MY HOUSE!!! Since it doesn't seem that my kids (6 & 2) are going to do it for me.
Well, my broody hen decided she was done after one day, so I gave her eggs to my broody duck, who lost most of hers to (I'm pretty sure) a skunk. Now I just have to figure out how to keep any predators away, any suggestions?

Got my eggs in. Ordered 21 total and got 33 total in
, one of the boxes had been a bit smashed
! AHHH, don't they realize when it says "fragile, live embryo" that means "be careful", not "hey, let's play soccer with this one"! Most of the air cells detached, they are resting in my closet (it a little warmer in there then the rest of the house). Some I could see lots of bubbles in, pretty sure those are goners. BOO!! Will let them rest. Should I set tonight or tomorrow morning?

I was gonna set tonight, but wasn't planning on them being in such bad shape.

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