Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

A lady told me the other day to get a feather duster and put in the brooder. they will hide under it like they do the momma. Im gonna try it for my loner chick
I use a little stuffed horse for my babies. The duster is a good idea though.
Yay, finally on lockdown today. Had two of the eggs defiantly clear so ten have made it to lockdown. Can't hardly wait for Friday when they are supposed to hatch. All the cute chick pictures making me jealous.
omg! I was laying down on the couch to go to bed. (yes im sleeping by my incubator) and I heard cheeping!
one of my eggs are internally pipped and talking. come on babies!!!
I went to bed last night at 10:30 and checked on the eggs. I noticed my bantam egg had pipped through the membrane, so I knew it would hatch overnight. At 11:30 I woke up and checked on them, and I found a tiny chick! It was so exciting, and rewarding! 

The quail eggs haven't pipped through the membrane, so I took him out and it looks to be like he is birchen. So I have one happy healthy birchen bantam Cochin chick. 


Can you say ROO? I think he has quite a comb for being right out of the egg!!
Yay good for you. I'm hoping hen gets up so I can check her eggs. Dawg I haven't been on here for a few days, most of you are hatching
Me I gave a few more days.
Oh i wanted to add I never heard peeping or saw the egg move. When he pipped the membrane, I could see him breathing, and if I had stayed up to watch him, I would have seen him zip the shell, but it only took an hour and no sign up until that. So, if you haven't heard anything or seen any movement, it's ok!! I was so nervous that he was going to die, but I learned that I just have to trust nature and let it happen.
My temp was at 99 and humidity at a steady 75 (omg I love the hovabator 1588, it made humidity FOOLPROOF) and the chick seemed just fine with that... I'm trusting that the quail will be hatching today or tomorrow just as easily.
I went to bed last night at 10:30 and checked on the eggs. I noticed my bantam egg had pipped through the membrane, so I knew it would hatch overnight. At 11:30 I woke up and checked on them, and I found a tiny chick! It was so exciting, and rewarding!
The quail eggs haven't pipped through the membrane, so I took him out and it looks to be like he is birchen. So I have one happy healthy birchen bantam Cochin chick.

Can you say ROO? I think he has quite a comb for being right out of the egg!!

One of mine has a serious comb already too. I was thinking roo but will try feather sexing today to see if I am right.

I went to bed with 3 chicks last night woke up to 6 including the egg with the air cell on the side.
It's a Serama bantam. It toes in especially on the left leg. Is that normal?
Toes dont look to bad, if it were mine i'd do nothing, now if she cant walk in a bit or is splay legged, then there is something you can do to help, did it with one of mine. you splint her for about 3-4 days and they come out just fine. theres a thread with pics on how to do it on here. myself, i used band-aids, and the cardboard-ish paper the box of baid aids came in.
look for threads on splay legged for pics to compare to yours.


5 Little chickys hatched out last nite!!! all our own so far, buff orpingtons:) one of my marans just pipped and im waiting nevously for my swedish hens and last surviving 2 lavender opingtons

3 more of my own have pipped!


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