Setting the week of August 22 (or so... ) Everyone join!! You know you want to!

so tiny!
Day 20. Nothing so far. If I stare at them long enough they seem to move but when I blink I realize they didn't. I don't want them to hatch "early" but I'd like them to get a some sign of life since I can't candle them.

Yea, I coudlnt' believe my lil banny started hatching on the begining of Day 19, especially that it made a crack in the egg already...but once I noticed them wiggling in their eggs...I tapped on the incubator & was talking to em through the lil air hole lol, & they moved more!
So up until lockdown I felt pretty good about all of it. Now I'm convincing myself that nothing is going to hatch.... its gonna be a long three days...
LOL but but but.... I have a feeling my digital thermometer sucks butt. I think I am going to end up going at least 21, maybe 22 days with this hatch. :/ I'll see what I can do about putting the new eggs in fairly late on Friday if that happens.
.....listen to ya chicken momma!!!....What kind of incubator do you have? And why do you think your digital thermometer sucks? But yea I'm sticking to one batch of chicks at a time...that's enough for me right now especially since my dad is kinda out of it since he had a bone spur removed on his heel so he's on crutches - can't help much, & my brother is the only helper I have, b/c my mom's not really a chicken person LOL...but here's my new lil early bird...what should I name him/her? She's 2 days early its Day 19 this morning & it hatched out around dinnertime tonight...!!! IT's a bantam, half nankin (hen), half (BB red rooster)...hmmmmm not good at naming!!!

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personally, I'd get the chick some friends around the same age group. Chickens always do better when introduced to a flock in trios... if there is a sweet hen that might adopt them make sure you put them under her at night :)... be prepared to keep them in a brooder if it doesn't work out! Good Luck!
OK, I know this is a stupid question before I ask it, but what the heck.....If I end up with just this one chick.....what do you do???? My oldest are 18-19 weeks old and not even laying definitely no youngest little girl is around 13 weeks old. I could see how Sassafras (Isbar) acted around it, if she would mother it somewhat. Or I thought about my sweetest hen a speckled sussex, Hattiecall, I just hate for it to grow up all by itself.
My above response was meant for this posting... apparently I hit the wrong button :-/
My turn to ask a question. This question is directed to those that have used a broody hen for hatching eggs. I expect eggs tomorrow or saturday but tonights temps are going to be dipping below 40 degrees :(... should I be worried? My hen is located in a 6'x6' chainlink kennel surrounded with doubled up tarp(wind barrier) and a wood/linoleum ceiling(doesn't hold in heat, just keeps out moisture) I've got a nesting box made of wood with shavings and DE on the ground... there's food and water available that's safe for the babies... I'm just worried about the mama hen being out there keeping the babies warm but getting cold herself... should I interfere and put a inferred light up? if so, should it be close to her and risk overheating her? or space it away and run the risk she'll abandon her nest in favor of the heat? so many questions!! this is my first time...I do have a coop for her to go in with her babies once they develop a little and can get up and down the ramp into the nest.
OK, I know this is a stupid question before I ask it, but what the heck.....If I end up with just this one chick.....what do you do???? My oldest are 18-19 weeks old and not even laying definitely no youngest little girl is around 13 weeks old. I could see how Sassafras (Isbar) acted around it, if she would mother it somewhat. Or I thought about my sweetest hen a speckled sussex, Hattiecall, I just hate for it to grow up all by itself.
A lady told me the other day to get a feather duster and put in the brooder. they will hide under it like they do the momma. Im gonna try it for my loner chick

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